Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Workout number 1 for 2007

I had some good workouts last week and I'm glad to be on to a new training phase this week as well.

But at the same time, I will be
Easing back into it - goinbg at aboot 80 percent.

I suggest you do the same if you were training less frequently last week.

Prior to the holkidays I had some
Pre holiday "hot spots" that were giving me a little teouble.

My QL on my right side and my right pec...minor, minor annoyances but there has been improvemnet in both - and that's another reason to not redline it today.

In this training phase, my emphasis is on my upper back and my bench. Should be fun.

I also want to add a little stretching for my lats to help reduce upper back soreness and improve shoulder mobility

1a) Snatch (5x2)
1b) floor press (5x5) 225

2a) Pistol (3xMax)
2b) DB press (3xMax) powerblocks

3) DB row (3xMax)

Stretch - couple of moves

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