Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Wednesday workout

Well, I probably trained a little harder than I should have yesterday, even though I said I was going to only go at 80 today I'm backing off in the intensity to make up for it - plus I have to train on back to back days to make up for the shorter week

I look forward to hitting this one hard next week.

1a) clean (3x1) 185
1b) broad jumps (3x3)

2a) trap bar DL (3x6) 265
2b) incline bench (3x8) - very easy here

3a) bb snatch row (3x10) 135
3b) plank on ball (3x60s)
3c) hatfield back ext (3x10)

I ound the last exercise in the jan-feb issue of mens health

I was moving pretty slow this morning when I got out of bed, and I think some of tuesdays streching caused it, not just the lifting.

Tomorrow: some bodyweight circuits and stretching


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