Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday workout

Really busy today with the and WORKOUT PASS offers.

I really think membership websites are going to have incredible benefits to anyone that works out.


Because now you are comitted to a community. You have a social support team on your side. You are accountable to others who want to know how you are doing.

Its no longer just - here's the info, you go try and do it yourself.

Nope. Its a team effort now. You have a much greater chance of success with the membership website approach.

with thousnds of people putting their collective knowledge together, we can find someone who has overconme the same obstacle as you.

We can overcome everything,

Okay, so let's look at my workout, which was slightly rushed because I needed to get back to work, fast.

1) Gym was busy so had to do vertical jumps in place of snatches (3x3)

2a) bench press (worked up to 95 percent max) - 305
2b) split squat (1x8) - left quad a little tight from recent squatting, no need to push it

(For strength advice, read "the 90 percent solution" on

3a) powerblock incline (1xMax reps with 85lb powerblocks)

3b) db elbows out row (1xMax with pb's)

Overhead lunge walk with 65 lbs x 5 reps per side for 2 sets

Gym was busy, and that kind of sucked,


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