Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday workout

Felt pretty fresh today before the workout. Was tired during warm-up but the warmup was right on and got me in the right mindset to lift.

1) Full snatch (3x2)

2a) bench (5x3) - 265
2b) overhead lunge (3x5)

(Subbed out db split squat and subbed in the oh lunge b/c of quad soreness from last fridays squat session)

3a) powerblock incline press (3xMax)
3b) powerblock elbow out row (3x12)

Biceps for fun was added ad the end of the workout. You can get a lot done for arms in only 5 minutes.

Back to work to finish an Oxygen magazine article and add a nutrition and training interview to



  1. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Great site, I am bookmarking it!Keep it up!
    With the best regards!

  2. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Thanks a lot for this place, where people can leave their ideas and opinions, it's great!With the best regards!
