Monday, January 29, 2007

Meal Plans 101 for Weight Loss

In working with guys over in the Men's Health transformation program, everything I've said about nutrition is being confirmed...

And while I know you are probably sick of hearing this from me now, but I'm going to say it again...

"When it comes to fat loss, your nutrition program is often more important than your workout program."

Because of this belief, I'm going to let you know about every good nutrition tool that comes across my desk.

Today, I'm talking with Registered Dietician Jayson Hunter about his new project, Meal Plans 101, that he has put together with Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D.

CB: Jayson, what is the role of a meal plan in helping people keep their calorie intake under control?

The role of a meal plan is much like a training (workout) plan.It provides you with a guideline or template to follow so that you meet your goals.

Most people subconsciously block out most everything they eat or drink throughout a day. If you were to ask what someone ate today they would remember at least half, but they would most likely forget the things they drank or snacked on throughout the day.

With a meal plan you are reminded of what you are supposed to eat and are more likely to remember and recognize what you should be eating and avoid what you shouldn't be eating or drinking.

CB: Jayson, that is a very honest observation that people need to appreciate. Almost everyone thinks they are doing better than they really's not until we put our actual intake down on paper that we see the truth.

So what equation do you use for estimating calorie needs, and does that differ between genders or with obese individuals?

We use the "The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicines" equation.

The equation does differ between genders and takes into account Height, Weight, and Age.
The equations do not differ for obese individuals, but you may adjust the frequency you modify their calories and/or the calorie deficit based on their current health status.

CB: That's great, because a lot of us get confused about our needs when we read a meal plan for a specific gender. What is your philosophy on protein intake?

Research is showing that protein intake is a vital cog in weight maintenance and/or weight loss.

For years it has been feared that too much protein causes heart disease, clogged arteries, stress on the kidneys, etc, etc.

If you are a healthy individual with no complications or diseases then I suggest you consume some type of lean protein at every meal.

Lean protein will not promote clogging of the arteries or anything like that and it actually helps satiety and curb hunger pangs. You will find yourself less hungry throughout the day if you incorporate some protein into every meal or snack which in turns usually means you will consume less calories overall.

CB: I'm surprised at the difficulty some people have with getting enough protein in their diets, but obviously planning our meals ahead of time will help with that.

What concerns me even more however, is the fruit and vegetable intake of TT users, all of my readers, and the entire population. Almost no one is getting enough.

What are some tips and tricks to help people get more fruits and vegetables into their daily meal plans?

One of the easiest tips I have found is incorporating them into the foods you already eat.

For example if you have egg white omelet in the morning put some chopped up green peppers or spinach in it. Or put a banana on your cereal. Make a fruit smoothie to eat as your snack along with some whey protein mixed in to get your protein serving. Another idea is cottage cheese with a peach.

If you needed some dinner ideas there are different types of bean salads and such that you can easily incorporate vegetables. There are casseroles, pasta dishes, etc.

Some people do like to just eat fruit and vegetables as a snack which is perfectly fine as well. Yet, for those that have trouble eating them by themselves I have found that mixing them with other foods you already eat is a great way to incorporate them into your diet.

CB: Thanks Jayson.

If nutrition remains your soft spot, and the missing link to your success, then start recording what you eat and planning your meals ==> Meal Plans 101

Trust me, planning makes the difference for both me and for TT users...

"By putting more effort into planning my meals, I was able to lose 6 pounds of fat in only 2 weeks before my winter vacation on the beach. My results were easily worth the small amount of time I invested in meal planning."
Dion Guerin, Busy executive, Toronto

Remember to spend time shopping, planning, and preparing on the weekend,

P.S. Jayson and Chris...
Are giving away 4 big bonuses if you order Meal Plans 101 before Jan 31st. So take advantage of the motivation and commitment that are still running high at this time of year and get your nutrition sorted out.

After all, considering all the hard work you do in the gym, why take a chance ruining it by being lazy in the kitchen?

1 comment:

  1. I have tried another way to lose
    weight. I tried adipex and it is
    really effective. i have lost lots
    of weight. I ordered it online from I highly
    recommend this, and this didn't
    require a prescription! ST
