Thursday, January 18, 2007

How to Have a More Productive Day

I get a lot of emails asking how I find the time to write an email every day.

2 reasons:

1) I type fast [Thank you, Grade 10 keyboarding class].


2) I make my day as productive as possible.

Here's how to make your day more productive.

Step 1 - Get up earlier.
And yes, that requires going to sleep earlier. But I'm not talking an hour or two...but only 10 or 20 minutes earlier per day.

The extra 20 minutes are magic time...the time in morning when I, as many people do, get more done than they do in several hour blocks at other points later in the day. So get up sleepyhead, and use the solitude to take care of business.

(And when you get into work, do the same. Get in early, get straight to work, and you'll find yourself ahead of the crowd in no time.)

Step 2 - Water x 2
Water plays an important role in getting my morning off to a fast start. First, I drink 2 cups of cold water before I take the dog out. Then we come back in and I start on breakfast while sitting down to answer the emails you've sent me overnight.

Getting up 10 minutes earlier to answer these emails has made a huge difference in my productivity. No question. Consider doing the same for yourself.

The second role of water is the shower. Aside from the obvious reason for a shower, I have found that standing under running water is when I get most of my bright ideas (bright being a subjective term, I suppose).

And I'm not the first to say this...Matt Furey has brought this up as well, saying that he gets a lot of his ideas when surrounded by water...there must be something about being in water that stimulates the mind.

So powerful are the effects of water on my creativity that I literally have to write the ideas down as soon as I get out of the shower. Once that water stops running, the ideas start to vanish...

Now the only thing that compares in terms of idea stimulation, for me, is exercise. So when you workout, take a note pad - not only to record your workout but to brainstorm and problem solve.

Step 3 - Nutrition
I've started the day with the healthiest supplement possible - fish oil, and I eat protein, fiber, berries, and nuts to start my day - giving me the fiber to control my appetite and blood sugar till the next meal.

Step 4 - Green Tea
Do not pass go. Do not stop at Starbucks. Do not collect your regular caffeine-loaded beverage.

Instead, brew your own organic Green Tea to provide you with a lower dose of caffeine (or none at all if you get naturally de-caffeinated Green Tea). Don't overdose on caffeine every morning.

If you drink a couple cups per day, switch at least one over to Green Tea.

Step 5 - A Steady Supply of Protein, Healthy Fats, and Fiber
Self-explanatory by now, I should hope! Snack on almonds, lean protein sources, fibrous vegetables, an apple, etc. over the morning to keep mentally sharp.

Step 6 - Be a Bodyweight Energizer Bunny
Remember the secret to instant energy when you hit a mid-morning motivational slump...
Add some bodyweight exercises

"I'm a Personal Trainer from Malta, Europe and have been following your daily newsletter for some time. I recently incorporated your Y-Squat into my routine and I must congratulate you, it's a really great exercise. I always focus on bodyweight squats and multi-directional lunges for the lower body (I don't like machines much) and this simple modification of arm placement has added a whole new purpose and challenge to the exercise. Well done! On another note, being busy as you are, how the hell do you find time to write a newsletter every day? I'd really like to know how you do it! Keep up the good work!"
Richard Geres, Malta-Europe

Step 7 - Don't let lunch rob you of your mental energy
Unless you want to go straight from lunch into an hour-long productivity-destroying nap, then lay off the breaded veal sandwiches at lunch.

Stick to the program: lean protein, fibrous green vegetables, Green Tea, healthy fats, etc. Avoid these mental buzz killers: soda, pizza, a lot of bread, french fries, desserts, and so on.

If you want to run an elite mental engine, you have to burn high-performance fuel.

Step 8 - Lose Fat & You Will Make More Money
Now that's an unconventional way to increase productivity.
But welcome to the harsh reality of size-ism.

Research shows that overweight men and women make less money than their normal weight colleagues. While the world is not fair, you can even the playing field by eating and exercising properly.

The Turbulence Training lifestyle and workouts will help lose fat, while increasing your creativity and productivity. I smell promotion.

Click here to become more productive with Turbulence Training

Now go be productive,

This salesman used the TT Lifestyle to get ahead...

"I used to think you needed to spend hours in the gym everyday in order to see results. With the help of CB and TURBULENCE TRAINING, I have reduced my workouts from 2 hours per day, everyday, to 50 minutes every other day. All the while I have trimmed over 60 lbs. of body fat off my now lean and muscular body. Thanks CB!!!"
Rob Vickers

See the rest of Rob's success story here...

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