Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Get Back to Your College Weight

I've got a big project on the go over at the Men's Health website. I'm helping 5 guys undergo transformations to kick off the new year...

A couple of guys need to lose fat, a couple need to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, one is an athlete, and one young buck wants to gain big time mass.

Check out their workouts here

Now, one of the major steps we went through to get these guys the best program possible was a thorough feedback and evaluation process. After they filled out my comprehensive feedback form, we went back and forth by email several times...

So that now they have the best plan in place.

And yes, the plan is going to take effort. But not one of them showed any hesitancy to commit.

And that's what it's all about. These guys were picked from thousands of applications to participate. They went through steps that might have caused others to quit.

Now they are on the final part of their journey to success. What about you? Where are you relative to your goals? Closer than you were on January 1st, or still stuck in the same place?

I remember one potential online client went through the same evaluation process...but then the questions started coming up...

He asked, "would the nutrition changes be a pain?" Would this lifestyle change take a lot of effort?

And so right then and there I decided I couldn't take this man as a client, because he was not committed to succeed. He was wasting my time and his own.

The sad truth is, 3 months from now, 6 months from now, 12 months from now and beyond, he will have made no progress. He won't make any progress until he is ready to make a full commitment to improving his lifestyle. Until then, even the best trainer in the world can't help him.

That was a year ago...I wonder where is he now? And where will you be in a year, 6 months, or even 4 weeks from now?

I guess that all depends on your commitment...speaking of commitment:

"Craig...Thanks for your support. I have followed a lot of your advice. When I weighed in last week I was ecstatic that I had not gained any weight over the holidays! I am now down to what I weighed in college."
Paul Kusinitz, Massachusetts, age 63

Back to his college weight! At age 63!

Heck, I know guys that have only been out of school for 2 years that would love to be back at their college weight, and here's Paul kicking butt at age 63.

Paul made the commitment, studied the information, and consistently applied these proven principles to his nutrition and training.

And with that, it was only a matter of time (a short amount of time), until he succeeded. It's that simple.

He didn't whine about having to put in a little extra effort in his workouts, or create excuses about the small sacrifice in extra time needed to prepare the right foods for fat loss. He just did what they needed to do.

Listen, here's the bottom line.

We're two weeks into 2007, and none of us are getting any younger...but we can all get leaner and healthier. All it takes is committment and the ability to follow a simple plan. I know you can do it, so start right now and get back on track.

As Andy Dufresne said in the classic movie, The Shawshank Redemption, "Get busy living, or get busy dying".

Here's to living well,

P.S. You want a roadmap to success?

Well, here it is.
Turbulence Training for Fat Loss.

It doesn't get any faster than that. It's a one way ticket on the bullet train to accomplishment.

Here are two current transformation success stories...

"I am a 48 year old female, with four children, who has alwayswanted to have a well-sculpted body and have worked very hard toward this goal especially the last year or so. While I was able to get my body fat down to between 18 and 19%, I still could not get the definition I was looking for until two things happened: Turbulence Training and eating according to TT's suggestions. I just thought that since I was 48 years old there was no way I was going to achieve a sculpted body without hiring a trainer and working out like a bodybuilder. But I gave TT a try, and after only one month, the results have been so noticeable that my husband now wants to get in on it! I plan on doing this for many years to come. Thanks so much."
Susan Siceloff

"Your workouts rock. I'm hooked and have been able to convert a lot of my friends also. I look a ton better than when I would just lift heavy every other day and jog on off days. At our health fair at work they were testing body fat and I was under 10% for the first time since high school, even though I was on the crew team in college, and I've run two marathons. TT training has given me a better physique than the training for either."
Joe Dillon

Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the Nutrition Guide here:

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