Friday, January 05, 2007

Friday Front Squat Workout

This workout includes a couple of my least favorite exercises in the world (frt squat and GM) but you gotta do what you gotta do to get better...

1) squat Clean - technique practice (3x3)

2a) Olympic front squat (5x5) - 215
2b) speed bench (8x3)

So long since I've done the speed bench...and boy could I notice the lack of speed.

When you are trying to get strong, its not the best idea to get sucked into the slow bodybuilder tempos. You need some velocity on the bar for power

3a) good morning (3x12)
3b) pullup (5x5)

This will be better next week,



  1. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Hi Craig -

    I have tried all kinds of diets over the years, and I read about you on Adam Cambell's Men's Health blog. I have 2 young children and one on the way, and I don't have a lot of time to workout, so it sounds like TT will fit great.

    I looked at the memberships, and had two questions: does it include the TT ebook, mp3 file, etc? Second, does it include specific foods to eat/avoid and or recipes? Last, is there a money back guarantee for the membership or just the ebook?

    Sorry for the questions in the comments!

  2. Anonymous12:16 AM

    oops, guess that was three questions. So apart from being overweight and having no time, I can't count either!

    Thanks in advance :)

  3. Hi Steve!

    The Membership includes all of the files you mention plus dozens of others.

    Everything you see on is included in the TT Membership.

    And there is a nutrition e-book from Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D., that will give you all the nutrition info you need.

    And there is a money back guarantee for both.


