Monday, January 08, 2007

Fooled by Fat Loss Myths

I can understand why the average person believes most fitness myths.

These misconceptions generally promote an easy way to success, such as drinking cold water with lemon juice in it will help you burn fat and lose weight. Why wouldn't someone want to believe that?

And hey follow that logic, add a little lemon juice to a frosty beer and it's not really 150 calories per bottle, is it?

So it's easy to believe and pass these myths to your friends. And they make great soundbites for newspaper articles written by journalists with no scientific IQ.But what I don't understand is how any trainer can believe these myths, and worse, insist on passing them on to hundreds and thousands of clients.

Here's some junk that I read recently in another trainer's newsletter."Catabolic foods burn up more calories than they supply. Catabolic foods are the opposite of Anabolic foods. For example a medium sized apple (which is catabolic), would provide an average of 85 calories, however your metabolism would require an additional 99 more calories to metabolize it. To help maintain your weight it is helpful to eat a minimum of ten servings of catabolic foods each day. "

Okay, so if I do the math correctly...then if I eat 10 apples per day, I would actually have a net loss of 140 calories?By using this "catabolic food" logic, I would starve to death if all I had to eat was apples or other catabolic foods.

Now don't get me wrong, these trainers are recommending the right foods (fruits and vegetables), but calling any food "catabolic foods" or a "negative calorie" food is just plain wrong.

But I guess it sounds much more "exciting" and sells more books.

Another classic myth...

"A pound of muscle burns an extra 50 calories per day."

When you do the math for someone that puts on say, 20 lbs of muscle, you realize there is no way that their metabolism is going to go up 1000 calories (20lbs x 50 calories).

Like the catabolic food claim, it sounds good when you are talking about 1 pound of muscle, or 1 apple having the effect, but when you do the's clear that it cannot be true.

Of course, I'm not saying that building muscle is worthless - it is essential for health and looking good, but I've watched too many people justify eating "treats" and extra calories because of their gains in muscle (and supposed massive gain in metabolism).

Just realize 1 pound of muscle is not a magic bullet for boosting metabolism - it's really the work that it takes to get their that will have much more benefit!

Don't believe everything you read,

P.S. The basics work.

And...that's why I've put the basics into each Turbulence Training workout, including the January TT for Fat Loss 4-week workout.

It contains 32 exercises, 2 TT Strength Workouts, 2 TT Ab Circuits, 1 Bodyweight Circuit, and 2 Interval Training Sessions into a plan that can be adapted for 3-day training programs or even 6-day per week programs.

There are several new exercises (including the Grasshopper Pushup that you'll just have to see to understand).

get it ==> January Fat Loss Workout

"Downloaded January program yesterday and started it today, Bit late I know but better late than never. All I can say about this program is WOW! I was done and dusted in 43 minutes and I felt like I had just run a half marathon. I now know why you call this Turbulence Training. Like the 8 8 12 reps. On the dumbell swing heart rate hit 141 and on squat thrust and pressup 138. Also pleased to report that strength is improving as well body shape changing. Thanks Craig."
Bob Dickson

PPS - Or upgrade to the TT Membership.
It only makes sense to get all 15 previous monthly workouts (total value of almost $300).
And I hope you'll take advantage of the Pre-Launch offer. Just a reminder, here's the deal...

a) For new clients, I'm knocking the price down BIG TIME. You can become a TT Member for only $127. Click HERE to become a NEW TT Member

b) For previous clients, but non-members, you can get your membership now for only $97. That's $50 off the launch price. Click HERE to become a TT Member

c) For current can add another 12 months onto your current membership for only $77. Click HERE to renew

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