Friday, January 12, 2007

First AOL, now Yahoo...

As you might know, i send a daily fat loss tip from to my email subscribers.

back in november, AOL blocked all the emails from the company that sends my email (other fitness experts that use the same service told me they had all their AOL emails blocked as well).

It didn't matter if the reader had put me on their "safe list" or "white list". If you use AOL, you aren't getting my emails.

And now Yahoo is blocking a lot. I have no idea why.

Regardless, I just wanted to put up this completely useless post to tell anyone that has an AOL or Yahoo account to read the blog instead of expecting the newsletter.

But I guess its pretty useless to tell someone, on your blog, to go and check out your blog that they don't know about.

Oh well...but just in case you were one of the few wondering why you dont' get the emails anymore, now you know...


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:22 PM

    hey CB,

    try out for sending out emails, they have a good rep with most of the portals.
