Wednesday, January 31, 2007

February Workout Now Available

If you are looking for the right workout to "give it a chance", then I've got 4 good ones for you, including my latest workout: The February 2007 Unilateral Fat Loss Workout.

It's part of my monthly workout program...

For only $9.95 you get...

a) The February 2007 TT Unilateral Fat Loss Workout full of new TT exercises, and single-limb movements. Plus, its just a fun, fast 4-week workout

b) One month's access to the Discussion Forums

c) Access to the fat loss expert interviews with Dr. John Berardi, Dr. Stuart Phillips, Christian Finn, Zach Even-Esh, Cassandra Forsythe, and Jen Heath...among others...

d) Bonus downloads- The January 2007 TT Fat Loss 4-week workout- The December 2006 10-minute Workout Program- The Original Bodyweight 4-week Workout- Dr. Mohr's TT Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines

All for only $9.95 at

I know you'll enjoy the TT Feb 2007 workout...the X-body Stability Ball Mountain Climber will be a challenge for everyone, and the total body lifts will put fat-blasting Turbulence on your muscles.

Get started today at


P.S. What did Dr. Berardi say when I asked him...

CB: John, let's jump into something that is very popular at this time of year...the "Detox Diet". What is your take on these? Helpful, harmful, harmless? Can they help get someone on track? Is there any detox method you would recommend?

CB: And what about fat loss supplements? Do any of these work? Can you really boost your metabolism with a pill to a significant amount, or are they just glorified caffeine pills?

CB: With fish oils, is there a particular brand you use with your clients?

CB: And how much supplemental protein (i.e. whey protein) is too much per day? You included whey as one of your superfoods in one of our old interviews, so are you saying that everyone should be using some whey each day? Or do you need supplemental protein at all?

CB: John, I think I read in one of your articles that you put a top limit on fiber intake. Can someone eat too much fiber? How much is too much and what will happen? (Save us the gory details if possible.)

CB: Tell us about your book about increasing metabolism. If someone does everything right (i.e. in terms of both exercise and nutrition), what kind of jump in metabolism can you get?

CB: Do you feel your metabolism has changed much since you were a 19 year old bodybuilder? Do you expect it to change much in the next 10-20 years?

CB: And what about for our female readers? Let's say they are 35, with 3 kids, and a sedentary job, but exercise intensely 3 times per week. What else can they do to increase their metabolism, and can they turn "back the metabolism" clock by 10 years?

Find out at

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