Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Fat Loss Teleseminars for You


Just a quick note to let you know that expert trainer Scott Colby is doing 12 interviews with 12 different fat loss experts and you can listen to each one of them live.

Get signed up for the teleseminar announcements here

If you don't have time to listen to them live, you can get the mp3 recordings at a later date from Scott.

Here are some of the experts...

Tom Venuto

Alwyn Cosgrove

Dr. John Berardi, Ph.D.

Kelli Calabrese


little ol' me, CB.

Should be some different perspectives on fat loss, and maybe one will really hit home with you and help you reach your ultimate fat loss goals. I know I'll be checking in for the people I listed above, plus one other speaker I didn't list...go check out the only non-trainer guest speaker on Scott's list...

Find out who it is HERE

Scott is doing 1 interview per week, I think, and my interview is in February or March.
Look for it!



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