Sunday, January 21, 2007

Big News for me, and you.

I'm proud to announce that I have started adding my current members into my new subscription site.

I've literally been working on the site for months, but technically, I've been working on this project since 1999. And finally I have a professional membership site to serve my members.

When I added my first member yesterday afternoon (one of my old professors from McMaster), I felt a combination of pride and relief. Its great to have it finally ready, and you know what, I think it is the absolute best deal going in terms of a membership dedicated to fat loss.

Platinum members (that's the only level available now) get access to my vault of TT workouts that is over 30 programs deep, plus it contains my 6-part article series on program design. I reread these articles last week as I added them to the site, and you know what, they are pretty much worth the price of admission alone.

So join us please, as a TTMember, or at least in our Tip of the week email list.

Here's to the next chapter in the TT story,


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