Saturday, January 20, 2007

All New Exercises for Weight Loss

Just did Workout A of the February Fat Loss Workout...

In it, I'm trying to use all new exercises that have not been in a TT workout before.

Now of course, a lot of them will be variations of exercises we are doing, but the exercises are new to the TT workouts.

And workout A was great. Hard start, strong finish.

And you'll only be able to get this workout if you are a subscriber to

There will be 2 levels when it opens up.

A) Monthly Members - $9.99 per month, giving you access to the monthly workout, the forums, and the fat loss expert interviews.

B) Platinum Members - $147 for a full year Membership, giving you access to all the TT workout archives (over $3000 worth of workouts!), the exercise video clips, the forum, and all of the interviews and articles.

(NOTE: The $147 price will be in effect for 3 months, and then will increase to $197.)

I'm just waiting on my new Merchant Account to be approved before I open the site to the public...but you have a chance to get a Platinum level for $20-70 off the regular price.

a) For new clients, I'm knocking the price down BIG TIME. You can become a TT Member for only $127. Click HERE to become a NEW TT Member

b) For previous clients, but non-members, you can get your membership now for only $97. That's $50 off the launch price. Click HERE to become a TT Member

c) For current can add another 12 months onto your current membership for only $77. Click HERE to renew

NOTE: Within 48 hours of receiving my merchant account, the pre-launch price will no longer exist. The offer will be gone. And it will be $147 for everyone for 3 months, and then $197.


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