Sunday, January 28, 2007

7-Day Guide: Cool Workout Video

I get a lot of my ideas for my newsletters while I'm working out...I train a pretty cool gym, and I taped a tour for you... There's some cool stuff in this video, so check it out.

See where CB does his workouts

Now for this week's guidelines...

Do your TT workout. I've got several new exercises coming up in the February workout, including some 1-arm presses. So today, instead of doing regular dumbbell presses (if those are in your workout), use only 1 dumbbell and do one arm at a time.

We just filmed the February monthly workout and it will be posted for all members of

Get 30 minutes of activity to help alleviate stress, boost your mood, and do it with a family member to have more fun. After your exercise, email someone in your support group to let us know how your week is going.

TT workout. Since its the end of January, it's time to change the workout plan you began on January 1st.

I spent all of one morning last week going through Alwyn Cosgrove's workouts on Workout Pass.

If you want a great workout series, check out Workout #27 (both Day 1 and Day 2) on Alwyn's site within WorkoutPass.These workouts are top notch, and he uses skipping and burpees as his interval methods - so you don't need any cardio machines. I often get asked about using jump rope for intervals, and here's a program that does so...

For Alwyn's workouts and thousands of workout ideas, visit:

30 minutes of exercise, anyway you want to get it done. Lately I've been picking the dog up at daycare at 5pm, letting him get a bite to eat, working a bit, and then heading to a local dog park where he's finally started chasing sticks...and more importantly, bringing them back.

In addition, he chases me. I chase him. We're out and back in about 60 minutes. Even in the frigid cold. I hope that you can find something that's even half as enjoyable as our fun "off-day" exercise sessions.

TT workout. Review these 3 mistakes...are they holding you back?

1) Your perception of your nutrition "success" doesn't match the reality of what, when, and how often you are eating. To learn the rules of fat loss, you need to read (scratch that, you need to STUDY), Dr. Chris Mohr's Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines.

2) There is no variety in your training.

3) You need to up the intensity of your training.

Get 30 minutes of exercise from a fun, non-gym workout. Then have some fun. Go to a movie with someone who shares your fitness goals. Or walk to the bookstore and browse the magazines. Or go bowling. Or walk to the video store to get a flick. Walk around the mall and get yourself something nice.

Anything. Just stay off the couch for a while.Sunday Plan, shop, and prepare, of course. Get 30 minutes of exercise, and don't forget to grab...

1 new nut from the bulk section
1 new fruit
1 new vegetable

Living healthy is living well,


P.S. The forum is buzzing...

We've got debates about artificial sweeteners, members from Europe, Australia, and Asia, and fat loss and nutrition experts checking in to help our members.

There are only 2 LEVELS of Membership that will be offered:

1) Monthly: $9.99 per month, giving you:

- access to the workout of the month (which is sold elsewhere for $19.99 - so obviously the deal is sealed with that offer)
- access to 2 back issue "Workouts of the Month"- access to Dr. Chris Mohr's Nutrition Guidelines
- access to the Discussion forums that are busy, busy already
- access to all of the exclusive interviews I do with other fat loss and nutrition experts

- BUT THE BAD NEWS...You DO NOT get access to the full TT download library OR the exercise clips at this price.

2) Platinum Level Yearly Membership: $147 fee for 12 months access to, including:

- Access to ALL TT manuals in the download library (current total value of $3000 if you bought each separately)
- Exercise video clips (eventually there will be over 100 clips)
- And all of the above in the monthly membership level- SO this is a HUUUUUGE bargain, costing only $27 more than you would pay to be a monthly member for 12 months ($147 vs $120)

HOWEVER...I am also having a pre-launch membership drive as I await my merchant account for TT Members.

New members: You can get access to the site NOW for only $127 for the year.

New TT clients get started at $127 here

When you order, I will add you to the site and email you your password.

And previous customers of any TT manual: Only $97 for previous customers

And if you've already been a TT member? Click HERE to renew at $77

Please let me know if you have any other questions, or if I have confused you!

PPS. As soon as I am ready to launch the site, there will be a 48-hour notice and then these prices will be GONE. And that should be very, very soon.

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