Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wednesdsay workout

I tweaked my back during my squat workout the other day - not due to bad form but due to an awkward rack set-up...and while trying to place the bar back in the rack I had to get into an awkward position...

Still feels a little weird but it was fine for this workout...

1a) Snatch technique (3x3) - feeling good on these
1b) Bench (5x3) - 275

2a) Shrugs (3x6) - 245
2b) plank (3xMax)

3a) db row (3x12)
3b) triceps (3x8)

Back felt almost normal and bench is finally coming back,



  1. Hey Buddy,

    Nice to see the bench coming back to form!

    Did you do anything special to bring it back up, or just lots of hard work?


  2. Thanks Anonymous Jackass for your spam!


    I have listened to Jim Wendler and am aiming to get 5 reps above 90% of my max in my workout. So I've added a couple sets to my max bench day.

    Also, I've just been more consistent.

    Third, I really like the floor press that i've added on one of my training days.

    Fourth, I think the 3-day total body approach is not only a lot of fun, but effective for bringing up my major lifts and preventing me from getting mentally burnt out.

    Fifth, I was training without a partner for a while. I don't have a partner now, but I always have a professional spot. That is key when you are putting max weights over your face.

    But overall, the bench is nowhere what it needs to be.

    Up up and away, i hope,

