Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Top Secret Fat Loss Workout

Today I did Workout A of the upcoming January Monthly fat loss Workout. It will be a straightforward workout, and I'll call it something like, "TT for Fat Loss at Home in 07".

A mouthful, I know, but that doesn't matter. its all about the workouts, or more specifically, your results from the workouts.

I hope to have this thing done BEFORE Christmas for TT Members, and then it will of course be available for non-members on Dec. 31.

We've got some new exercises for the workout, and I'll be shooting some of those today as well as some "video intros" for my site.

I don't really like the photo that is currently up on or

I dont really look like that...and that is what people say when they meet me for the first time after having only visually known me through that photo.


I also want to mention I did some major work on this week...and we are getting closer and closer to letting current members in...but we probably won't officially launch until February 1, 2007.

You can still become a full member at a discount price until I cut that offer off...sometime before the official launch.

And seriously, if you like the TT workouts, you'd be silly not to get the Discount membership...after all, each monthly workout goes for at least $10...that's $120 over the course of the year...but you can become a member now for only $97, and you get access to everything!

And to finish, I want to share these emails I received earlier defines what my work and TT is all about...

"Yours is truly the best product and service support on the market today.
Unbelievably excellent!"
Fred Soto

"First off, I have to let you know that I love your programming! As you can see from my signature, I own and operate my own fitness business. I spend such a large amount of my time developing programs and coaching others that I end up being burnt out on my program and it is an undesirable effort to build and maintain my own programs!

I joined your TT membership group a couple months ago after having the chance to look into your TT Bonus package. And WOW! I am loving your programs! Very close to my own beliefs and programming style, and so much more! I am experiencing so much fun doing your programs and there are so many options and twists from the many and various programs that I feel I will never run out of choices. I am excited to find out what I do the next cycle these days… and I am getting the results I expect and want at the same time!

You have also influenced my programming in our Boot Camp Classes and our clients always remark how phenomenal the program is. Thank you."
Rob Yontz cAPT, cFN

Train hard, train safe,


PS - Go to this page for your TT Discount and possible free treats if you are new!!!

Go here ==> Treats & Discounts for You

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