Monday, December 11, 2006

Toning, Light Weights, & High Reps

I guess you could say it is my mission to show people thevalue of intense strength training for fat loss.

Every month more research comes out to support intense trainingover slow cardio, and light weights. And each week, in real-life,more and more men and women (yes, women too!) see the benefits ofpushing themselves with strength training.

The evidence from research and real-life continues to pile up thatyou need to put down those light weights and cut out those highreps.

Take really light weights, add in isolation exercises, and repeatfor a large number of reps. Do this for 3, 6, or 12 months, andyou're guaranteed to have the same physique you have today.

Thisapproach just does not work.

You need to step out of your comfort zone with strength training.

Research has shown using a weight that enables only 8 reps per setresults in a greater post-exercise metabolism than using a weightthat allows 12 reps per set. And this was in women! So liftingchallenging weights is not just for men, but also for the ladies.

Another research study showed that a 30-minute, hard total-bodystrength training session can boost metabolism about 36 hours.You just don't get that from slow cardio or light, "toning"isolation exericses, I'm sorry to say.


But what if you are worried about "bulking up"? Just do one or twosets of 8 reps per exercise, rather than three or four.

Bodybuilders know that high-volume training builds muscle. But ifyou don't want massive amounts of muscle, just don't do a lot ofvolume. That's just one of the reasons I don't use bodybuilderworkout programs for fat loss.

Another way to avoid "bulking up" while still boosting yourmetabolism is to use more bodyweight exercises.

As for exercise choice, say goodbye to biceps curls, hamstringcurls, and triceps kickbacks.

Seriously, I couldn't think of a moreuseless exercise for a fat loss program than triceps kickbacks. Stick to full body movements. Use squats, lunges, split squats,pushups, chinups, rows, etc.

Remember, you don't have a lot of time to workout. So you can't bedoing bodybuilding splits from the 80's that call for threeexercises for the long head of the triceps, and two exercises foreach of the anterior, medial, and posterior deltoid.

That's just not possible in the real-world. A pushup trains almostall those muscles, and more. It works your abs, chest, triceps, andshoulders. That's the type of exercise that is going to help youget more fat loss results in less workout time.

I train in the concept of a short time frame. That is, anyone thatwants to use my programs has less than 3 hours per week to devoteto structured exercise. So there just isn't much room for isolationtraining in that time frame.

But training should be fun too, and adding some curls as a rewardfor completing a hard workout is fine, but only if you want to. Youdon't need those types of exercises to get results.

But remember, isolation exercises are not actually going toburn fat, but they can build muscle and help you sculpt your body.Here's the list of methods that lead to fat loss, in order ofimportance:

i) Nutrition
ii) Burning calories with interval training
iii) Burning calories due to an increased metabolism from intervaltraining and strength training (with multi-muscle movements)

As long as you understand that nutrition is the most importantfactor in fat loss, and that strength training is essential forsculpting your body, than you will have realistic expectations ofsuccess - based on how well you commit to each process.

Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the Nutrition Guide here:

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

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"I purchased the TT training manual about a month ago and have beenfollowing it ever since. It makes so much sense and i really enjoythe different workouts so never get bored the body weight workoutsare cardio in disguise as i find i burn just as many calories ifnot more from a BW session as i do with the TT cardio session. Iam sore in places i have never been sore and find i push myselfjust to prove i can do the moves and love it. From an aussie thatwas looking for something other than just another weight workoutwith the same old moves this has been a real eye opener for me andi have been telling my friends just how great the TT method is."
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Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the Nutrition Guide here:

"Craig, got my 6-week bodyfat test lost 10lbs of fat and gained 6lbof muscle, im proving you can lose fat and gain muscle at the sametime with your TT workout system,and nutrition plan."
Desmond Hardison, NV

"Hi Craig, I am enjoying Turbulence Training. I am a personaltrainer, so I've incorporated much of it into my sessions. ThoughI used some philosophies from TT, your program has added a world ofnew ideas, methods, and techniques to my client sessions. And forthat, I thank you so very much. Even my wife loves it, ha! Somuch more to read and implement, so TT reading will keep me busyfor many months to come. Make it a great day!"
Loren Salas

Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the Nutrition Guide here:


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