Monday, December 18, 2006

Those Magazine Fat Loss Success Stories

Why is that every issue of a magazine is full of success stories? You know, Bob from Houston, Texas that lost 150 pounds in 8 months...or Sylvia from Chattanooga that lost 21 pounds and 3 dress sizes in 8 weeks...

What is so special about these people? What do they have that you don't?

The answer of course, is practically nothing.
We can all change our bodies as dramatically as these success stories if we put our minds to it.
That's all they did. They got serious. They got a plan.

They had unwavering commitment to their final goal.

That's it. That's all they had that you and I might not have at this moment. So let's join them and become even more commited than ever before.

I wrote about commitment last week as well, and here's a great story from one of the TT readers...

"This one is just what I needed. I broke the 5th metarsal in my foot, while doing HIIT, on Nov 7. The thing is, I didnt do anything stupid, but I got a new pair of shoes a few weeks earlier and my outside left foot, was "bothering" some, when I ran, but not enough to cause any real problem. Well the doc told me, that that was probably the start of the fracture.. Anyway, wearing this big ol boot till Dec 19, isnt fun, but I learned to do HIIT on the recumbent bike. So, I dig out an old workout, ( that has a little less leg work), brush of the injury as much as possible and stay committed. Thanks for the newsletter."

How's that for commitment?

I love to share TT success stories because almost everyone faces the same obstacles to success (lack of time, lack of workout direction, and lack of motivation). So when someone succeeds with Turbulence Training as their fat loss program - and saves time while losing fat - it's really important to share their stories.

Here are the links to 2 TT success stories...

1) How a Football Lineman Regained His Athletic Physique

How a Cardio Fanatic Got Her Abs

Be a success story in 2007,

P.S. Too busy to workout?
Get the monthly TT workout - the 10-Minute Fat Loss tide you through the rest of the holidays and into the New Year.

"I love this new 10 minute workout. It makes it so easy for me when I am too tight for time. Also the layout of the exercises plus pics together are great. It is so easy to follow now. So for no exercises can keep me following so faithfully. The combination of execises are really great and I am getting results all the time. The incredible part is my tummy is getting smaller without having to do all those crunches and situps. TT exercises are great."

Click HERE to get the 10-Minute Fat Loss TT Workouts

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