Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Start Weight Loss Programs Now!

A great weight loss motivation post from Jon Herring over at www.earlytorise.com

The Brand-New You Starts TODAY!
By Jon Herring

If you are not already eating healthfully and exercising regularly, you might be saying to yourself, “Come January, I’m gonna ...”

Well enough of the “I’m gonnas.” Why not start today?

Instead of rolling (literally!) into January overweight and depressed about your appearance, why not give yourself the gift of a fit, trim body? If you even suspect that you will resolve to “lose weight” or “get in shape” in 2007, don’t wait.

When I made my own health transformation, I started about this time of year. I knew there would be distractions and temptations and times when I would go overboard. And I realized that a few overindulgences here and there were not going to make or break my efforts. But I did my best to avoid the “all-or-nothing” trap.

During the holiday season, too many people think, “Well, I already blew it... I’ll just binge my way through the rest of the year and get serious on January first.” But all that will do is ensure that you will have a tougher time come January.

You have to begin making small changes and developing the habits you know are necessary to achieve your health goals. What’s the most important habit you can develop? I believe it is to exercise consistently. If you intend to “start” exercising in January, you will be far more likely to continue if you start today.

[Note: Need a little help keeping your fitness goals in check - and meeting all your other goals for next year? ETR's 2007 Total Success Achievement Program could be just what you’re looking for.]


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Hey Craig,

    Thanks for the post. I've got a Google Alert on my name and got an email when this showed up on your blog. Anyway... I'll be in touch soon and thanks again.

