Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Sore Knees & Fat Loss Workouts

I've received a lot of emails from readers and trainers about how to do certain exercises if you have sore knees.

Now having "bad knees" seems to be more and more common these days. Whether it's from too much running in the past, a previous sports injury, general muscle weakness, or too much wear and tear from being overweight, sore knees can prevent people from doing many popular workout programs.

First off, always consult with your doctor and get referred to the appropriate specialist if you have knee pain.

And in general, avoid anything that causes more pain...pretty simple, right? Also, avoid anything that causes any type of inflammation.

So if the joint hurts during the workout, or feels hot and bothered in the hours and days after the session, you need to eliminate the offending exercises. (And that goes for any joint - elbows, shoulders, wrists, etc.).

So what can you do for weight loss if you have sore knees? Nothing, right? All is lost...
I'm kidding, you know that! Of course there is hope.

Find the best therapist in your area and have them take a look at you...get professional help and follow their instructions to the letter.

There are some effective lower body exercises (of varying difficulty) that can be done lying down. These exercises strengthen the muscles of the lower body and maybe even prepare you for more traditional lower body exercises in the future (like squats and lunges). You also need to learn which muscles need extra stretching.

I've seen big-time improvements happen with professional help.

Now you won't improve overnight, but with consistency, you can build up your hamstrings, glutes and quadriceps muscles to work more effectively, and relieve the knee joint of it's pain and suffering.

And not surprisingly, proper nutrition can also help out.

How can good nutrition improve your knees?

Well, first you must know that eating according to the "Western Lifestyle" (sugars, bad fats, and too much food in general) can lead to inflammation in the body.

On the other hand, the TT lifestyle, characterized by low-sugar intakes, healthy fats (especially fish oils), and Green Tea, will reduce the inflammation in your body. Not only will this improve your cardiovascular health, but it should reduce the inflammation in your joints.

So eat well and talk to a nutritionist to remove inflammatory foods from your diet and increase inflammation-reducing foods.

In addition, see a trainer and have them assess where you need to work on flexibility and how you can include some "knee-friendly" exercises in your workout program. These exercises include:

- Lying Hip Extensions (also known as Lying Hip Bridges)

- Single-leg Hip Extensions (Used in the TT Bodyweight 4-week program)

- Lying Hip Extensions with your feet on the ball (Click here to see these - scroll waaaay down)

- Lying Stability Ball Leg Curls (Used in the TT for Fat Loss program)

And remember, always talk to your doctor about the best possible exercise selection to help reduce your knee pain.

Train safe, train smart, and train better,

P.S. Improve your knees, improve your health, and vice-versa...

Losing fat will help reduce your knee pain, your blood pressure, your cholesterol levels, and the list goes on. And the best way to do so is with a structured exercise plan, that takes you from the beginner level right through to more advanced fast-blasting workouts.

I guarantee that my TT for Fat Loss report will help you do all of the above or I will refund your money, no questions asked.

"I will not forget what you have done for me, my blood pressure is getting better, I am eating better and looking better."
Joe Hallman, Pennsylvania

Click here to order the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss program and start improving your health and fitness today

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