Monday, December 04, 2006

Monday workout

Day 2 of the new workout phase. Schedule is a bit messed up b/c I did one workout last week already.

This will be the last phase for this year - I didn't hit all of my training goals but here's expecting 2007 to be even better

1a) Wide Squat (3x5) 345
1b) neutral grip chinups (5x6)

2a) trap bar DL (3x8)
2b) OH KB press (3x12)

3a) cable abs (3x12)
3b) EZ Bar curl (3x6)

Something crazy happened while I was working out. More on this in a future newsletter

Back to work. Today is the first day on the job for my new affiliate manager Dan Brown. He's going to help me kick turbulence training into an even higher gear.


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