Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Fat Loss Q'n'A for Weight Loss

Big news. I've had a professional artist update the TT for Fat Loss manual. The workouts remain the same but the e-book is easier to navigate.

Members received access to this update several weeks ago. All other TT for Fat Loss customers should have received an email late last week with a link to the new download.

Thanks again for supporting TT! Now onto the q'n'a...

Q: Really enjoying your newsletters! Between you and Tom Venuto I'm learning heaps of new info. So I've just started getting a sore lower back after 3-4 months of regular spin classes (2-4 per wk). Of course I'm off to the Dr etc but from a trainer's point of view what should I be aiming to do exercise wise for the next few weeks while I get better? Happy to do the ellptical machine and treadmill - no worries.

Cycling puts your torso into spinal flexion, and that can be hard on the low back muscles and the intervertebral discs. Some people just aren't built for cycling, while this position does not bother others.

Start with the elliptical for a while, until the back pain goes away. You can also try some treadmill. Whatever you choose, make sure it does not aggravate your back.

Let me know what the doctor says. You might also need to spend more time on the basics spinal stability exercises such as bird dogs, planks, and side planks.

Q: At 6 feet, ~ 185 pounds, I've falled into the skinny fat syndrome. I look really thin, in fact too much so, but I still don't have that definition I'm looking (I still got the stomach roll!). I've tried continuing to cut, and while I do get more definition, I also lose some muscle and overall, I just look skinnier. I've tried bulking at this point, but then I inevitably put on some flab with the muscle. Anyway out of this conundrum? Should I go for the TT for mass program or continue with the TT for Fat Loss?

First, you should have your body composition measured, go for the most accurate method you can find. An experienced personal trainer is often the best option.

Honestly, I can eyeball a person's bodyfat to the exact same percentage that I get with a 7-site caliper test. So just find a trainer that's been around the block and have them do skinfold tests now and after 8 weeks of training...that way you can determine if you really are losing muscle when you try to lose fat.That way you can track your results, rather than just relying on your self-perception, which given our personal biases can be way off. Once we know where you are really "at", we can move forward with a plan.

But overall, you can still try to lose some fat and get down to 180. But once you hit 180 at 6'feet, you should not be trying to lose anymore weight...that will just make you look too skinny. At that point, you'd need TT for Mass.

Start your resolutions this week,


P.S. I better get back to work on building the membership site...

And I hope you'll take advantage of the Pre-Launch offer. Just a reminder, here's the deal...a) For new clients, I'm knocking the price down BIG TIME. You can become a TT Member for only $127. Click HERE to become a NEW TT Member

b) For previous clients, but non-members, you can get your membership now for only $97. That's $50 off the launch price. Click HERE to become a TT Member

c) For current members...you can add another 12 months onto your current membership for only $77. Click HERE to renew

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