Thursday, December 28, 2006

Bodybuilding for Abs is Dead

I grew up in the prime of the Muscle Mag industry. Flex, M&F, MD...I bought them all. In the late-80's and early-90's I learned that if I wanted 6-pack abs that I needed to do hundreds of crunches every day of the week.

Fortunately, I was too lazy for that and built my abs with squats, deadlifts, chin-ups, and a variety of other non-bodybuilding ab movements.

Now I know that for today's message, I could take the easy way out and say that doing a laundry list of ab exercises will make for great abs...but will they really?

If someone on this list has had great success from doing abs 30 minutes a day I'd be interested to hear from you. Are you sure that you really got your abs that way?

Everyone wants to get great abs and most people have been brainwashed into thinking that the only way to get abs is by doing 30 minutes of crunches per day. After all, that's what all the fitness models do, right?

To be honest, the best set of abs I've come across were on athletes that did little, if any direct abdominal training. They had low body fat, and they had abs from training for sport and in the weight room with basic lifts.

Oh, and one guy was a farmer too, so you know the basic movements he did for work purposes helped out as well. That's why we are seeing a resurgence of non-bodybuilder type ab training like sledgehammer training and med-ball throws.

Checklist for abs:

a) Low body fat (Use TT for this and get in on the 3-day promo giving you a ton of bonuses...including Tom Venuto's Mission Abdominals here,

b) Ab muscle (Use a couple of exercises twice per week, aiming for 8-12 reps per set - so use resistance where applicable)

That's it. No hundred rep sets are necessary. No hour long ab marathon classes are needed. No 6-days of abs approaches are helpful.

Take the non-traditional approach to abs. Use all your "non-ab" exercises to help develop your abs. Brace your abs in every lift, and use exercises like the Plank and Side Plank to build a safe base of abdominal endurance to work from. Then move on to more advanced total body ab exercises like Mountain Climbers and Jackknives.

Ab exercises should be among the least of your fitness concerns,


P.S. Did you hear about the bonuses you can get at

Until Friday, Dec. 29th at midnight, you can get the following 4 additional bonuses when you order Turbulence Training...

1) Tom Venuto's "Mission Abdominals"
2) Nick Nilsson's "Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of"
3) The TT for Women 8-Week Workout
4) The TT DB-BW Fusion Fat Loss 8-Week Workout

But only till Friday at midnight, EST.

get it today ==>

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