Friday, December 15, 2006

Abs Are Made in The Kitchen

Abs are made in the kitchen. That's a popular phrase going around the fitness world these days.
Well, it sounds nice, but it really isn't true (unless you have some really weird home gym set-up).

The truth is, your abs are still made in the gym from the exercises you do. But your abs certainly can be defined by what you do in the kitchen in terms of nutrition.

After all, you can do all the ab-building exercises you want, but if you aren't eating for fat loss, then you are never going to see your abs.

So is your nutrition good enough to get the job done?

If not, what's your excuse? Not enough time, right? Or on the go too much, and your options are a greasy cheeseburger or a slice of pizza?

Well let me tell you, nutrition planning is one of the keys to fat loss. If you don't plan ahead, don't expect to burst through any fat loss plateaus any time soon.

And that's why Saturday or Sunday is the answer to the problem. Because today, assuming you work a M-F job, you have the time to plan your meals, go to the grocery store, and prepare your meal plan for the week.

And don't tell me this is too much work. You can easily accomplish this in 2 hours. One hour to get to the grocery store and back, and the other hour to prepare your meat and vegetables for the rest of the week. For more information on how to prepare your weekly nutrition, and for a copy of my shopping list, click here.

Unfortunately, I'm not an expert is making healthy food taste amazing, but my friend, Dr. John Berardi, I encourage you to pick up his e-cookbook Gourmet Nutrition.

Click here to learn how to eat great, healthy food

Abs can be yours if you are consistent,

P.S. Have you read Berardi's latest free report...
It's called Gourmet Nutrition Desserts and it's free for your immediate download here:

P.P.S.Planning your nutrition ahead of time is one key to fat loss, and another is planning your workouts.

If you don't have the first clue to start on your exercise program, don't worry. I've mapped out the best approach to fat loss in a full step-by-step 16-week guideline in my TT for Fat Loss manual.

"I am a 44 year old mother of 2. I have been struggling for the last 8 years (since my youngest child was born) to return to my toned shape. Nothing has worked for me until giving TT a try. After spending hours upon hours in a gym and spending way too much time running and doing other things that will eventually wear out my joints, I gave in and decided to accept that I should age gracefully. NO WAY! I decided to try TT and cannot believe the results. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. It can truly change your attitude and life."
Lisa DiDonato

"The workouts are going good and I am enjoying them and they are challenging. I really like the circuit style and alternating a lower and upper body exercises and the variety of exercises in each workout. I was bored with the style of weight training one muscle group at a time with not much results or changes happening. You have a great variety of workouts, I started with the body fusion intermediate work out and in 3 more weeks, I'll switch to another."
Cindy Casella

"I think your program is amazing. I have recently set up a new business and the luxury of 1 1/2 hours at the gym are no more. Therefore your workouts came at the perfect time. I am really starting to notice a huge difference. I am trying for a baby at the moment and my biggest fear of having a child is not having time to get to the gym and get back in shape. I love that I can do your workout at home."
Alexa Simms

"Hey Craig, I really dig the TT workouts since they allow me to get in and get out with a quality workout in tow. I have started using variations of your programs with some of my clients after I test drove it myself for a month."
Cory Lignell

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:14 AM

    All this is very interesting but I think that celebrities have way more interesting ways of losing fat=)
    here you can know all about it!
