Sunday, December 31, 2006

7-Day Fat Loss Workout Guide

Wow, it's New Years. See ya 2006, let's get ready to hit 2007.

I'll be ringing in the New Year at a good friend's wedding. A fitting time to tie the knot, isn't it? It should be a blast...I hope you have a great one as well, and I'll be checking in with you tomorrow to get 2007 off to a great start.

Here's your 7-day guide to improving your body...

Have a great TT workout today, incorporating the Exercise of the Week: The Romanian Deadlift. This exercise puts turbulence on the glutes and hamstrings, helping those large muscle groups burn more calories, get stronger, and look better.
Check it out here.

And don't forget to check out all 32 exercises in the new January 4-week TT Fat Loss workout.
On January 4th, the price jumps up to $19.99.
get it ==> January Fat Loss Workout

30 minutes (at least) of enjoyable recreational activity. Doing something you like will help reduce stress and inflammation in your body. Avoid chaining yourself to a machine in the gym.

Take on another TT workout. Don't stress if you only give yourself 20 minutes for a workout. Simply do 1 set of each exercise rather than 3 sets, and you'll still get the majority of the benefits. No need to skip workouts...but you can shorten them.

After your 30 minutes of activity, review your fluid intake. Say yes to bottled water and Green Tea. Say no to juices, sodas, and alcoholic beverages. Say yes to milk and protein shakes when needed.

A TT workout to end the week. Finish with bodyweight circuits instead of traditional interval training. Pick 2 upper and 2 lower body bodyweight exercises and perform them in alternate fashion.

Here's another example:

a) Prisoner Squat (keep your elbows back!)
b) Inverted Row (use the beginner position if needed)
c) Step-ups (do all reps on one side first)
d) Decline Pushup (feet on bench or ball)

Do 12 reps per exercise. Go through the circuit 3 times. Rest 30 seconds at the end of each circuit.

This should be your favorite workout of the week...30 minutes (at least) of recreational activity with your social support group. Get moving. Have fun. Live life!

Remember, recent research shows that if your workout partner loses weight then you to have a better chance of losing weight. Keep each other motivated.

SundayPlan, shop, and prepare.

Please read this article from my friend Brad Pilon, the Nutrition Help Expert:
Brad's "Rules to Shop By"

Fight off the holiday fat,

P.S. Don't miss out on this cheap, fat-blasting January workout...

It includes 2 TT strength exercises, 2 TT ab circuits, a TT bodyweight circuit, and 2 interval workouts.

All for only $14.99. BUT...on January 4th, the price jumps up to $19.99.
get it ==> January Fat Loss

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