Monday, December 18, 2006

6 Weeks to 6 Pack Abs

Everyone wants to see their abs. If you are training, no doubt you are exercising with a flatter stomach in mind. You want to get rid of those love handles and finally be able to take off your shirt at the beach and see those sexy lines on your mid-section.

I recently cornered David Grisaffi, ab training expert, and author of "Flatten Your Abs" and grilled him on ab workouts that can be done at home. His book features over 40 gut-busting ab exercises and programs that show you how to train for your 6-pack.

Here are some of the secrets I was able to pull from David to
help you develop a stunning set of abs.

CB: David, you bust 14 myths in this book. Can you let us in on
one of your favorite myths and then suggest a better way to train?

I really like the first myth, "If you train abs everyday, you're guaranteed a six pack" Nothing could be farther from the truth. This misconception came via bodybuilding world and it has no place in the modern functional training world. Doing 200 roman chair sit-ups is a sure way to mess up your lower back.

Muscle is muscle and needs rest time. The last thing we need is a worn out core region when we slap a few hundred pounds on our back during squat day.

You train better by breaking up your training session. If you want to break it up there are a few ways to do it you can train...

Day 1: Lower abs Day 2: Side/rotational abs Day 3: Upper abs/back You can also put them all in one session. But always start with lower abdominal work.

CB: Can people do a good ab session in their own home gym?


Sure can. Get a swiss ball and you can do so many core exercises. It is the best investment you can make.

As a simple routine you could do:
Prone Ball Roll Lateral Ball Roll Prone Jackknife Side Flexion on Ball

Do in circuit fashion with 6-8 reps of each.

CB: What is the number one ab exercise that is over used?

The floor sit-up, of course. This leads to an over active hip flexor that according to leading studies is the primary cause of low back pain. When the area has too much tension all the time it pulls on the low back causing discomfort.

CB: How have exercises changed for the abs and why?


Some people actually studied the core and re-thought out the
"canned" way of doing it.

I have learned so much since I started in this business it would blow your mind. We have moved from the bodybuilding model to the functional / athletic model.

Hey when I pick up my suitcase....and it weighs 60 pounds my back does not care if I have ripped abs. My back cares if my abs can stabilize the load.

CB: I must say, I'm a huge fan of the under-rated "Straight Arm Pulldown" that you feature on page 83. If you could pick 2 exercises for an intermediate fitness enthusiast's abs, what would they be?

a) Woodchoppers with medicine balls, dumbbells, cables, bands.....what ever you can get a hold of b) Hanging leg raise and all of its variations

CB: When should people do abs? At the start of the workout, or the end? Or on other training days?

Whenever they want to, there is nothing set in stone.

I prefer to do it at the beginning on some days and at the end on other. It really depends on the other work I have and how much time I have.

CB: David, this one has been bugging me forever. I'm 5feet, 8.5 inches. I'm right at the cut-off for a specific height of Stability Ball. What size should I get?

I would suggest a 65 cm ball blown up. When you sit on the ball you thighs should be parallel to the floor. If you have low back pain I would inflate it a little extra so you thighs are a little higher then parallel to the floor.

CB: So David, just to finish up, what's the first step towards a 6-pack that most people need to make?


Gain control over your eating habits as bodyfat can and does cover up a great set of abs. Use a properly designed exercise program with variables in all areas. Drink plenty of water and get good night sleeps. Stay away from junk food and energy drinks.

CB: Excellent, thanks David. You are right about those energy drinks. They can stop your fat loss in its track, and can even be dangerous.

If you're unsatisfied with your waistline and you want a flat stomach, David is offering you the complete solution from his website: Flatten Your Abs

Take a step towards a flat stomach and better health and read David's free report today.

Ab training and fat loss info ==> Read David's report

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

P.S. David has a special, limited-time offer for you...

In addition to David's regular report, he's now offering a new
6 week advanced abdominal circuit course as a bonus.

The compound exercises in the ab circuit crank up your calorie burning metabolic furnace, so for once, someone finally created an ab routine that really does burn fat!

But it's only available for the next 3 days. Come Dec. 21st,
the bonus is gone. So you have to act now.

6 Weeks to 6-Pack Abs ==> Get Flatter Abs Today

P.P.S. The offer ends Wednesday December 20th at midnight, PST so you need to act quickly on this one. The 6 week course is going to sell separately after this special offer is over...only the doers and the early birds get it as a bonus

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