Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wednesday workout

Its been one of those days...each day this week my dog has been getting up earlier and earlier. From 5 on Sunday to a peak of 4am today...and then I found out his "daycare" place is going out of business...he needs some play-friends for burn off some of his energy.

Oh well


1) power clean - worked up to

2a) oh squat (3x6) 105
2b) pullup (3x8-10)

3a) ab wheel (3x12-15)
3b) bb curl (3x8)

4) Shrugs (3x8) 250

One of the programming mistakes ijn this program was putting the power cleans two days after the deadlifting. Actually, it was beyond a mistake ... It was downbright stupid. Oh well, lesson learned.


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