Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Wednesday Workout

(That's one tired dog. And yes, he is sleeping.)

That photo sums up how i felt after this a good way.

1a) Power Clean (4x3) 85 kilos
1b) OH Squat (4x5) 85

The OH squat is one exercise that I get weak rapidly - similar to the Pistol. But, I also make rapid gains when I return to the exercise consistently.

2a) Pistol (3xMax) - 10 - new personal best
2b) pullups (3x8)

3a) ab wheel (3x12)
3b) bb curl (3x8) 90

I was tired at end of this one.

Now, in case you haven't noticed, I've made a programming mistake in the weekly schedule. Any guesses as to my error?


1 comment:

  1. Is it that you worked out two days in a row?
