Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Today's Bodyweight Workout

By the dozens, clients are giving up long, slow, boring cardio training and making the switch to bodyweight circuits to help them lose fat and get lean.

You too can take a break from normal cardio and intervals, and replace this portion of your training with the appropriate intensity bodyweight circuits. Or you can combine intervals and bodyweight exercises together within the same workout.

If you're looking to replace your cardio with bodyweight circuits, I generally recommend starting with Phase 2 of the 6-month manual for bodyweight circuits. That is the main conditioning phase of my 6-month TT Bodyweight Manual. And then once you are familiar with all of the exercises, then you can create your own bodyweight circuits - you are limited only by your imagination.

Here are my Bodyweight Circuit guidelines again: When putting together a BW circuit, I like to go in this order:

Squat with arms up variation (total body)
Pushup variation (upper warmup)
A lunge variation (pause at bottom to stretch psoas and rectus femoris)
A row/upper-back variation
A posterior chain exercise variation (i.e. back ext. on ball)
A total body ab exercise (i.e. Mountain Climber)

Here's a tough, advanced sample routine:

Decline Pushup
Bulgarian Split Squat
Inverted Row
1-Leg RDL
Mountain Climber

You can use specific tempo for each exercise, or simply use a 1-0-1 tempo for each exercise to achieve a continuous flow with each exercise for a heart-pumping cardio effect - and this allows you to do more reps per set.

Leave the linear cardio machines for overuse injuries,

P.S. For more secrets of bodyweight training...
On how to get lean and athletic with bodyweight training, and to see over 70 bodyweight exercises put into action, click over here for the Turbulence Training 6-Month Bodyweight Manual.

And don't forget the free bonuses you get with each order:
A copy of the Original 4-Week TT Bodyweight Workout
A copy of the 8-Week Bodyweight Athlete's Manual
A copy of the TT Nutrition Report from Dr. Chris Mohr

"The first time I used the bodyweight workout I used it as a 'day off' from the heavier turbulence workouts. Day off? I think not! The bodyweight workouts provide an awesome cardiovascular challenge as well as a big shock for your muscles. Don't think you can get stronger using these workouts? Think again! Don't think you can get lean using these workouts? You're wrong! They work, they're based on good science and good planning. Nice work Craig!!"
Stuart M. Phillips, Ph.D. Associate Professor Kinesiology
Exercise Metabolism Research Group McMaster University

(previous customers also get a discount on the 6-month manual - email me for details...)

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