Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sample Turbulence Training Fat Loss Workout

I don't like to screw up, but I know I haven't always done the best job of explaining the exact TT workout structure...so I want to go over it again. If you still have questions after this email, please let me know.

A reader asks..."I have read the e-book and think I can understand the workout method. In the past, I have been doing my cardio with 1min fast as i can with 30 sec rest then low weight (2kg) high reps movement for each body part for one minute.

I have a curcuit planned out and i normally do one curcuit in 20mins normally i can get 2 curcuits done and feel like i have had a good workout after. I have a HRM and am averaging 142 on that I am 175cm and 74KG.

I really enjoy my exercise but struggle with sticking to a clean diet probably 70% of the time i am good but prbably have not found that one thing to really to get my mind set to go the whole nine yards so to speak.

I am not a big vegetable eater but mix them up with brown rice and chicken breasts to get that into my diet.

So my question would be is the curcuit i am following basically what you preach?"

Thanks for the email.

First, let's discuss the nutrition. Each week I want you to try a new vegetable. Try, try, and try again until you find something that you like. Over time I hope that you can come around to eating more vegetables, for your health and you body composition benefits.

As for the training, your circuits are not exactly what I have in mind.

First, I separate the lifting from the cardio. I want you to finish the strength training portion first, all of it, and then move onto the intervals.

Many people want to do cardio first to work up a sweat, but that's not how I think you'll get your best efforts. Do your strength work first before you get fatigued, and then move onto the interval cardio.

Second, I don't think the light weights are worth your time. For dumbbell exercises, use a weight that challenges you to get about 8 reps per set. If you don't like that approach, use my bodyweight exercises to bodysculpt. But don't waste your time with 5lbs when you are capable of being strong and lean.

And don't worry about your heart rate - it doesn't have to be in any specific zone. If you want to monitor it for interest and compare it between workouts, that's fine. It would be interesting to know, but the main point with the training sessions is to use the best structured approach to sculpting your body.

Sample Workout Structure - Here's how a sample workout looks:
Bodyweight Warm-up Circuit 2x's (this should take you less than 5 minutes)
- Prisoner Squat = 10 reps
- Pushup or Kneeling Pushup = 10 reps
- Split Squat or Stability Ball Leg Curl = 10 reps

Turbulence Training Strength Workout (ex. TT Intermediate Workout A)

1A) DB Split Squat (8 reps per side)
no rest - go directly to:
1B) DB Incline Press (8 reps)
Rest 1 minute.
Repeat this cycle 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

2A) Stability Ball Leg Curl (15 reps)
no rest - go directly to:
2B) Pushups [or Kneeling Pushups] (15 reps)
Rest 1 minute.
Repeat this cycle 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

3A) Stability Ball Jackknife (10 reps)
no rest - go directly to:
3B) DB Rear-Delt Raise (10 reps)
Rest 1 minute.
Repeat this cycle 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

Turbulence Training Intervals - See program for Interval instructions.

Stretching - Stretch tight muscle groups only.

Let me know if you have more questions,

P.S. But do people like these workouts?
"I have been going to the gym for a number of years and am always looking for newer and more efficient ways to work out. I started doing the TT program about 8 weeks ago and already (to my surprise) I am leaner than I have been in about 3 years. I am also finding that I am actually less tired than what I was doing other programs that I have tried, most of which involved longer cardio, rather than the short hard intervals recommended in TT. Given the variety of workouts within the program I hope that I will never be bored or have an inefficient workout in the gym again. I highly recommended it for anyone especially those who feel like they have plateaued."
Rebecca Organo

Get Turbulence Training here

"Just finished Intermediate level four week fat loss program. When I looked at the excercises I thought "doesn't seem to difficult!" Boy was I wrong. The warm up really does that, it warms you up and then the introduction to supersets. Like on of your earlier correspondents this work out really does work you out and I have never sweated so much or known that I have worked out at the end of the session. Then the best thing was yet to come, HIIT. I am just getting used to these sessions and my legs are recoveroing a bit quicker than before. My opinion of TT? Great and a wonderful investment. Thanks Craig for designing a workout series that works you hard AND reduces the time."
Bob Dickson

Click HERE to get your TT Workout customized for your goals.

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