Monday, November 20, 2006

Monday Max workout

Last week on this training phase, so we'll top out in a couple of exercises.

I'm looking forward to some new exercises for next training phase.

1a)deadlift - worked up to 1 rep at 402, which isn't that good; I tried 411 and didn't go...but I did do a double overhand single at 363 which is quite good
1b) neutral grip chin. (1x15)

2a) wide stance GM (3x6)
2b) inc bench (3x8) - 190

3a) snatch bb row (3x12) 155
3b) kb press (2x10)

Not bad. Grip was great on the overhand deadlifts but I might have tired myself out for the max lift

I'll probably switch to some trap bar dl or rack pulls for next phase


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