Wednesday, November 15, 2006

How to Eat Like A Caveman

More nutrition today...

John Williams, Ph.D., has degrees in archaeology and anthropology. His research and fieldwork has focused on the Paleolithic and Neolithic of the Old World, which basically means the Stone Age of Europe, Africa and Asia. John has always had an interest in nutrition, which actually works quite well within prehistoric studies, because our past was one big food quest.

CB: Tell us more about your approach to nutrition, and more importantly, developing delicious healthy eating recipes.

Over the past few years, I've been continually experimenting with making healthy recipes that taste great. Bodybuilders are some of the most knowledgeable people out there when it comes to nutrition, yet many of them will resort to eating tuna from a can and boiling chicken breasts. Not that there?s anything wrong with an occasional quick snack, but there are certainly ways to make healthy meals both quick and delicious.

CB: What is your take on eating dairy? Are there any problems with consuming large amounts of dairy products?

My fridge is full of cottage cheese and yogurt. But Im not a big fan of milk, as I've found that it makes me "stuffy", for lack of a better word. If you want to know the gory details, I get some mucus buildup after drinking milk, which leads me to suspect I have a low-grade allergy to it.
Theres also the whole issue of dairy and insulin response. A few studies have shown that dairy products cause a disproportionately large insulin response, which some people believe could prevent fat breakdown.

But of course milk and dairy are an excellent source of casein, which is one of the best sources of protein out there. So in the end, it's entirely up to the individual. Personally, I won't be making all that many recipes with milk in them, because of the potential side effects.

CB: What is your take on the low-carbohydrate approach to fat loss? Do you have any low-carbohydrate case studies you would like to share? What are your top sources of carbohydrate that you recommend people eat?

To get John's answer and the rest of the interview, CLICK HERE.

Everyone loves nutrition info,

P.S. Learn more about cooking healthy...
Thanks John. I want everyone to know that Gourmet Nutrition contains over 100 recipes, including a recipe for some incredibly tasty Greek burgers on page 123 - my second favorite recipe, behind the chili.

Click here to order Gourmet Nutrition

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