Friday, November 10, 2006

Hot Zone Training

Each week I train a couple of guys that work in the banking industry. These guys often work 15 hours per day during the work and have young children, so they only get a chance to see me for a workout once per week.

And that means I have to make it count.

Fortunately, their A-type personalities make it easy for them to get they are committed, focused, and ready-to-go when they hit the gym.

So how do I make the workout as effective as possible? Well, as I mentioned in one of my Advanced Training Article series, I focus on 4 training "hot zones":

Back of Legs
Upper Back

Take care of these areas by using multi-muscle exercises, and you'll strengthen the entire body in about 15 minutes. In fact, with the right exercise selection, you can train the entire body in 2 moves.

Here's how our workouts generally unfold.

Like with anyone else, we start with a bodyweight exercise warm-up, always starting with some form of the overhead squat.

Overhead squat (holding a band or broomstick)
Lunge (holding 1 second at the bottom)
Inverted Row

These 4 exercises prepare the muscles of the 4 hot zones for more intense exercise. Next, we move on to traditional TT supersets.

1A) DB Squat (great for getting the legs & upper back)
1B) Decline Pushup (also hits the abs)

Tip: Increasing the width of the squat stance allows the lifter to push the hips back more, and allows you to get more work and results for the glutes and hamstrings.

B1) DB Row
B2) Partner Assisted Glute Ham Raise

Tip: You can substitute the Back Extension on the ball or the Ball Glute-ham Raise if you train by yourself. Both exercises are found in the 6-month bodyweight training manual here.

And now, from here to the end of the session, everything else is "gravy". We'll do Pullups, DB Split Squats, the Ab Wheel, Chins, and Dips, just to name some of our "go-to" exercises. Even some arms at the end for fun. You always have to have a little fun - and it's a nice reward for getting through the evil Split Squats.

But again, if you don't have a lot of time but you need a total body workout, all you need to do is make sure you hit those 4 "hot zones" in your session.

Making training simpler, yet more effective,

Here's more training info...
For more information on setting up your training programs, or to learn why I set my programs up the way I do, check out the TT Membership Pass. You'll get access to every single Turbulence Training manual I've written, plus bonus 12-week programs that I write for my clients. Plus, you'll get access to my Advanced Training Article Series.

It's a whole Personal Trainer Certification, without the multiple-choice test at the end...but a lot cheaper too, especially for previous TT customers.

"Since many people are always asking about a good program for goal X, I thought I'd throw out my opinion on Craig's Turbulence Training Membership Pass. Echoing others here, the TT Pass is a freakin' steal. Craig charges virtually nothing and you get access to dozens of workouts, articles, and information, including different ones for different goals (athletes, pre-season, fat-loss, muscle gains). Plus (and this is a BIG plus), the dude is extremely prompt about answering e-mails. Not to mention very much no-BS and to the point."
Qaiser Wairich, Chicago, IL

"I also wanted to let you know that I dropped 5lbs based on your articles and programs and kept it off for 3 weeks now (I'm 5'7 and now a strong 130lbs)... I am a health-knowledge "junkie" and have bought hundreds of e-books and print books and bought at least a dozen workout programs but this is the best structured and planned program I have come across to date. The simplicity and organization of the programs make the workouts manageble and fun and because you get results fast and you are motivated to continue on - changing and progressing day after day. It is an addiction to workout now and feel healthy... On behalf of so many afraid or too lazy to speak up I would like to say thank you!!"
Nadia Dedic

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