Saturday, November 04, 2006

Burn the Winter Fat

Burn the winter fat before it gets here.

Don't let the shorter days reduce your activity levels! That's one of the secrets to staying lean and fit, and lowering your body fat over the course of the winter. In the spring, you'll have a better body.

Take this client's story for example...

"Hi Craig, Just a quick update to let you know I'm still doing the TT for Women (it works, OF COURSE i'm still at it!!!). Where I live in Ohio, winters are hard, and it's not uncommon to see your neighbors face to face until springtime. One such neighbor came to my door today. When I answered the door, the first words out of her mouth were "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! You look INCREDIBLE!" She made my day. :-) She then asked what I was doing...."South Beach? Aktins?" I explained what I'm doing with your workouts and that my diet is really REALLY healthy. She was looking for a quick fix answer -- but we all know they don't work for fat loss. I'm getting closer to a healthy BMI. I can't believe it. I can also do eccentric chin ups for 5 seconds. They're really hard, but I definitely feel muscles being worked out. These TT workouts are fun and effective to do...and I'm done in an hour. I do the intervals later in the day, or between weight workout days. Awesome."

Thanks Holly. Now when I talk to women about working out, the most common thing I hear from them is that they don't want to "bulk up". Hey, thats fair, I understand they want a sleek, lean, sexy physique.

So how should females (and males) train so that the risk of bulking up is minimal?

Easy. There are 2 ways to modify your TT schedule so that you don't need to fear the bulk.

1) Reduce the volume of weight training.

Do only one work set instead of 3. So if it says 3 sets of 8, do only 1 set of 8. This will still put your body in metabolic turbulence, allowing you to burn calories during and after exercise, as well as improving your strength and bone mineral density.

Gaining mass is a function of intensity and volume. So if a woman reduces the volume, but keeps the intensity, she will get all the strength benefits and metabolism boosting benefits without the fear of getting bulky.

The second modification is used in my latest monthly workout, TT for Female Strength. My program will help you get strong and lean with short workouts that use almost all bodyweight exercises and a just a few dumbbell exercises that can be done at home.

2) Train with more bodyweight exercises.

And I'm not just talking about lunges. I've used bodyweight rows, chinups (of course), mountain climbers, step-ups, etc., etc. in the TT for Female Strength plan.

And of course, throughout all of this, make sure that your nutrition matches your goals.


P.S. Don't forget!!!
The price of the TT for Female Strength is going up on Sunday night. I've had a few requests for extending the deadline, so I'm letting you take advantage of this deal until Sunday at 9pm.

Click HERE to see what the star of TT for Female Strength thought about the program and her progress.

And more female feedback..."I love your workout routines. The best part is, for me, is that I can do them at home using what I have in my home gym. What impresses me most about what I've learned is just how much I "thought" I knew about exercise and nutrition. My whole mode of thinking has changed and I'm finally breaking through that brick wall, slowly but surely. You have been a tremendous inspiration for me. Thank you for all the great routines you've created to keep people like me from getting bored and stuck in the same old patterns of working out."
Dawn Carter

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