Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wednesday total body workout

First day on this workout for my new 3-day per week routine. Legs are still sore from the monday squat exercise, but today there are no direct heavy leg movements.

Started with some foam rolling for the upper back and lower body.

Learn more HERE with Magnificant Mobility

1) Clean and Press (5x5)

2) Chinup (1xMax) - fingers gave out first, grip was tired from cleans.

3a) barbell row (3x8)
3b) glute-ham raise on ball (3x10) with weight
3c) kneeling cable crunch (3x15)

4) 1-arm biceps curls (couple sets of 6) - b/c I had the time

That's it. Decent workout,


Workout, weight training, lifting, cleans

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