Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tuesday Better Bench Workout

Bench Press Workout

Well, today's bench press workout wasn't that bad. In fact, in the workout, I came pretty close to beating a personal best in the 3-board bench, even though I don't feel like I am as strong as I used to be in 2004. But with a few tweaks in my workout program thanks to a conversation with Mike Boyle and Jason Ferrugia (www.J1Strength.com).

Todays workout went like this...

1A) Y's n T's (3x15)
1B) 3-board Bench (worked up to 1 rep max)

2A) DB Incline Press (3x8-12)
2B) DB Rear Delts (3x12)

3A) Pushups (2 sets)
3B) DB Row (2x12)

I think one of the problems is I can't stand the people and trainers in the gym where i train. And the atmosphere of a gym can sometimes make or break your workout mindset. I'm scouting other locations, but they eat into my workday...

Based on the strength program change, and the increase in time commitment to train at a better gym, I'll probably cut down to 3 workouts per week. But I think the workouts will be designed better and my training motivation will be increased.

So better results ahead I think.

Next week is a low-volume training week due to the holiday (Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday) and the all-day photoshoots I have to supervise at Maximum Fitness magazine.

Getting strong is simple, doing it is a little harder,


strength, workout, bench press, build muscle

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:32 PM

    damn, although we often workout at the same time I don't know you so I hope I'm not one of the ones you hate. :) i hear what your saying though.

    I hate the fact that I had to do squats today cuz you were on the rack for an hour on my squat day this week. lol! its all good. I nailed them extra hard today.
