Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Todays Restorative Workout

So with my 3-day workout program, I will have Tuesday and Thursday "off" from real workouts.

During my workout time on these days, I'll be doing lots of work with the foam roller as "active rest" in order to help me recover.

My legs were sore today already (usually it doesn't get really bad till the 2nd day after the leg workout). So the foam rolling was done quite gingerly on the legs. Mind you, all of these foam rolling drills were made more awkward by having a 65 pound puppy dog draped all over me. Little guy was bored, stuck in the house all day because it rained from sunrise to sunset.

But I followed along with Mike Robertson and Bill Hartman's Upper Body Warmup DVD ("Inside Out") to do some self-massage and mobility work on my upper back. If you have a tight upper back, or your clients have upper back problems, or if you simply want the best upper body lifting warmup info, I highly recommend this DVD.

Click HERE to get Inside-Out: The Upper Body Warm-up

I also mixed in some kettlebell swings into the workout. A few sets of 25 swings with the 53 pound kbell. That helped reduce the stiffness and soreness for a while.

I do imagine though that when I get up tomorrow, my legs will be very stiff and sore. But that's what happens to me when I take a week off from heavy squats.

Big workout tomorrow,


workout, exercise

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