Thursday, October 26, 2006

Thursday Recover

My upper body was beat-down from Wednesday's all i did was some foam rolling for upper back, adductors, IT Band, and vastus medialis (ouch). But each time I squat I can notice the improvements I've made in 2 weeks of consistent rolling. Unfortunately, the annoying tension i have in the upper back remains, mostly because my posture sucks. I need to take the advice of Bill Hartman in the 2-part interview i posted on this blog earlier this week.

I've also been using a tennis ball for some more concentrated self-massage on my calves and peroneals. These are tight, but in just 2 short sessions (10-20 rolls on the right/painful spot) has made a huge difference. It's almost hard to believe. The improvement has been that quick.

Its still painful to roll on the right spots, but its better.

For some good exercises on using the tennis ball, go here:


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