Monday, October 02, 2006

Squat Workout: Whats going wrong

Gym Workout

Back to the gym today in Toronto for todays squat you recall last week, things weren't so good in the squat workout. I could definitely be better. So how was todays workout?

Not as bad. But still not as good.

It was funny to meet people at the seminar this weekend who have been reading my blog and following my workouts. They were asking me about my bad squat workouts. Glad to have you reading!

As for the squat, I just feel like I'm losing confidence as I sit back. I think I am just worried that I'm not strong enough in my low back to sit waaaay I'm going to be consulting with strength coach Jason Ferrugia of for help.

Even the top ranked strength coaches, such as Alwyn Cosgrove and Mike Boyle go to Jason for help with program design. I also trained with Jason last week in Stamford, and had a great workout and picked up some deadlift tricks.

Here's what I did today.

1A) Narrow Squat (3x2) - still about 10% below my best squat
1B) Power Shrug (3x8) - good results here.

2A) Good Morning (3x8) - these should help, i just have to keep plugging away
2B ) Standing Cable Ab Crunch (2x20)

3A) Ghr on ball (3x15-20)
3B) Pistol (3x5)

My first and second squat sets sucked, but the third was okay. I tried a fourth but tanked.

I feel like my hip flexor area is tight...maybe from the weekend? The plane? Not sure.

Bench tomorrow,


squat workout, workout, strength, strength coach

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