Friday, October 20, 2006

Positive Fat Loss

Fat Loss

When most people think about their fat loss efforts, they tend to focus on the negative. And it's pretty easy to do that.

You know what I mean?

They worry that they didn't lose more than a pound this week. Or they focus on the meals where they slipped up. Or they stress about the upcoming special events that are going to put them off track. All this stress and negative thinking can hurt your fat loss program.

You shouldn't focus on the negative if you are going to get positive results out of your Turbulence Training lifestyle.

You need to stay focused on doing things right the best that you can...and don't stress about the mistakes that you make.

This is very important as we get closer to the holidays and the events that come with it, where you could easily lose yourself in a downward spiral of negativity and situations that are not conducive to fat loss.

Focus on the meals that you can control, and the workouts that you can make. Think about the progress you can make over the next month.

Even if you have 3 bad meals in a week, you should still have almost 40 meals that you can control. Stick to lean proteins, fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, appetite-controlling almonds, health promoting fish oils, and healthy beverages like Green Tea and water.

Now I'd like to say that a TT workout will allow you to eat everything you want - but I can' have to do your best to avoid junk. And don't feel guilty for tossing junk food into the trash - that's better than leaving it lying around and stressing about giving in to it.

Don't turn your body into a trash compactor because you might feel guilty throwing a "perfectly good" Halloween-sized bag of chips into the trash. Chips are garbage. Like French Fries, they are edible cancer sticks. That's where they belong - in the trash.

And remember, short workouts, when done consistently, can still have an amazing muscle-building, fat-loss power.

Strength training and intervals will help you build the body you want...and that you deserve. So stay positive...and realize that you don't have to start back at Square 1 if you fall off track. Stay committed to your long term goals and you'll have your beach body ready earlier next year.

Check out my butt-kicking monthly workout that combines dumbbell and bodyweight exercises for a superfast fat-blasting workout HERE. It will get the job done, fast.

Make it your best Holiday Season ever in the gym,

P.S. Don't believe me?
Well then, will you believe these men and women?

"Turbulence Training has revolutionized my workout routine - NO more excuses! No time for the gym?NO problem, can?t go outside?No problem! The bodyweight workouts kept me strong when I threw out my left shoulder earlier this fall. Recently I purchased the BW/DB fusion workout and am looking forward to doing those workouts next month. I also enjoy the daily e-mails from Craig to keep me motivated."
Mary Iverson

"Dear Craig, for the last year or so, I've plateaued in the mid to high 170s, having come from the low 190's. I wasn't getting anywhere with my old program, so I started the TT program just 5 weeks ago. Since then, I have not only increased my strength, endurance and overall energy level, I've gone from 175 lbs to 166 lbs. That's more than 9 lbs of fat since I've definitely gained muscle. I finally have a waist again, and I can actually begin to see what abs look like! Thanks!" John Sobraske

"I have been going to the gym for a number of years and am always looking for newer and more efficient ways to work out. I started doing the TT program about 8 weeks ago and already (to my surprise) I am leaner than I have been in about 3 years. I am also finding that I am actually less tired than what I was doing other programs that I have tried, most of which involved longer cardio, rather than the short hard intervals recommended in TT. Given the variety of workouts within the program I hope that I will never be bored or have an inefficient workout in the gym again. I highly recommended it for anyone especially those who feel like they have plateaued."
Rebecca Organo

Click HERE to get started with Turbulence Training.

fat loss, workout, weight loss, lose weight, get lean, nutrition, burn fat

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