Saturday, October 07, 2006

Nutrition: Did CB Give In?

Nutrition & Fat Loss Workouts

Yesterday, as I mentioned, I was at Maximum Fitness headquarters monitoring a fitness photoshoot for my next fat loss workout in the magazine. It's a fat loss workout that comes out in the first issue of 2007 for Maximum Fitness. Just want to repeat that because there are many magazines out there, and its tough to find a copy of Maximum Fitness. But you can visit them online at

Anyways, everything was going smoothly...I was out the door on time, the puppy was off to puppy daycare, and the sun was shining...but as I was driving away with the windows down I hearda an odd noise. Immediately I thought something was stuck under the car, but then I thought...uh oh, flat tire.

Indeed it was. The back passenger wheel was down for the count.

So I put the car back in the parking garage...and ended up taking a $60 cab to the photoshoot...

But the rest of the day went well enough, and then I got home at about 6ish and decided to fix the jack. I had all the tools, a good replacement, but no jack. So I called a tow truck. After a 2.5 hour wait, he showed up...and didn't have an easy time with the tire. Seemed to be par for the course for the day...

Regardless, by the time I got back to my place, it was 9ish. Hungry, tired, annoyed.

And I was thinking, why not just get a pizza. By the time I got cleaned up and the dirt off my hands, it would be here and I could relax.

But then I realized, if I got the pizza, I'd feel like absolute garbage after eating it. And I knew I had chicken and fresh asparagus in the fridge. If I eat that and a sweet potato, I'll feel 10x's better and it will be a better fit with my health and fitness goals. So I cleaned up, prepared the fresh food, and indeed, I felt a lot better.

If I ate the pizza, I'd probably still feel like crap this morning. Not too mention my body will enjoy the nutrients of my meal much better than a matter how healthy you try and make it.

So no matter how tired, hungry, and annoyed you are, stick to your plan. I'll thank yourself for it in the morning,


nutrition, fat loss, fitness, workout

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