Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My 3 Best Exercises for Fat Loss

3 Best Dumbbell Exercises for Fat Loss

Here's a fat loss question from Men's Health magazine...What are your top 3 dumbbell exercises?

With too many exercises and too little time, most people end up "paralyzed" when it comes to putting together an efficient and effective program.

But you can get a great workout at home in only 20 minutes by using the best dummbbell exercises. Here are the 3 best dumbbell exercises for almost any goal.

a) Dumbbell Split Squat
b) Dumbbell Press
c) Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

Of course, from these 3 exercises come dozens of variations - so you won't get bored even if you simply choose to train 3 days per week with one of these movements or a variation of.

Take your dumbbells, do 3 sets of 6-8 reps for each exercise and you'll have a total-body, muscle-building, metabolism-boosting workout done in about 20 minutes.

To make things faster, superset exercises b & c by doing them back to back with no rest. Also, take as little rest as possible in exercise "a" when switching legs.That's a great 20-minute (or likely quicker) TT workout.

Q: Craig, I have a small personal business that I run out of my home. Most but not all of my clients are women over 50. I am thinking TT is not for them?

I've used TT with men and women from 18-80.

It's all relative. You just reduce the loads used in the exercise, and the intensity of the intervals so that they can keep up. Maybe you give a little more rest time between exercises if needed. But everything can be adapted for the right fitness level - from yours to theirs. At least, that's my opinion.

Here's what some TT users from all ages have had to say...

"I have been using the TT method now for about 10 weeks intermittently. I am 61. I have been working out my whole life, also intermittently. The w/o's I am doing now are by far the most effective in a very short time period. Instead of spending 2-21/2 hrs in the gym, I am in and out in 1 hour and know I have had the a better beneficial result than I did working out twice as long."
Ira Kaufman

"I am 70 and recently added the TT technique to my exercise routine. I have noticed an improvement in muscle definition and an additional abdominal fat reduction. I plan to continue with the technique. Thanks."
Richard Johnson

"I am a female in my 50's and am doing the int. TT right now. I also own a gym and have started some of my clients on it. It is great!! The workouts are challenging and I can feel things tighten up."
Bev Wenaas

"Turbulence Training has allowed me how to get better results from my training in less time. I've improved my food choices and have more energy. My VO2 max increased from 52 to 58 ml/min/kg over four weeks of interval training 20 minutes three times a week - its highest ever. My body fat is down from 24% to 20% over eight weeks. Even my skin is clearer."
Rachel Knight

"I Coach busy women with no time to look in the mirror, let alone adopt a whole foods lifestyle or exercise yet already! And yet, your Turbulence strategies show almost everyone that everyone has all of the time they'll ever need to include exercise as a fun, performance-promotion essential to their lives. This program is amazing and plenty challenging because it is simple. Clear but lets no one off the hook. I'm thrilled to say this is a great addition to any woman's arsenal of "what to do" or "what to look forward to," genuinely and confidently affirming the being and the doing."
Ann G. Burgess, President, Pathfinders' Fitness by Design, Arlington, MA

I could go on and on and on with testimonials. Try it yourself: www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Turbulence Training is the right program for fat loss,

P.S. Okay, one more!

"Hi Craig, I have just turned 45 years old and run my own PT Business meaning I dont have a lot of time to train your TT workouts have provided me with time and made my workouts more intense leaving me feeling recharged and looking forward to my cardio!! I feel like a fat burning machine even when I am doing nothing thanks for making my time in the gym more fun and achieving better results!! I am also doing this with my clients and they are also reaping the benefits."
Denise Brown

Get started today.


Enough already, get all of the programs HERE!

fat loss, workout, exercise, lose weight, lose fat

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