Monday, October 16, 2006

Fitness, Fat Loss, & Workout Tips

Fat Loss Workout Tips

Here's a series of fitness, fat loss, and workout tips that I've put together for my fat loss workou newsletters in the past. Helping you get more fat loss results in less workout time!

1) Fat Loss Tips for Abs

The truth is, any good efficient and effective compound exercise will work your abs. So you don't have to lie on the floor and bang out hundreds of crunches to get a washboard stomach. Heck, that's not effective at all.

The 3 keys to abs are:

1) Fat loss through fat loss nutrition
2) Fat loss through interval training
3) Ab strength through efficient and effective exercises - even if they not considered traditional ab exercies.

Remember - every exercise is an ab exercise - because you have to brace your abs in every movement.

2) How to get more results in less time

Choosing the right exercises is the key to getting more results in less time. That's how you lose fat fast and build a better body without having to exercise 6 days a week.

If you are using machine-based, isolation exercises right now, such as the pec-dec, the leg extension, and biceps curl machine, then I recommend you drop this expensive equipment in favor of the basics.

The cheap, efficient, effective exercise basics that worked for Arnold and the generations of beach bodies before him will work superbly for you and I as well.

We don't need to re-invent the wheel. Or in this case, the workout.

Do your exercises standing if possible.

Choose multi-muscle, total body exercises.

Always focus on working your abs in every exercise, so that you don't have to do isolation ab exercises for 30 minutes each day.

Stick to squats, lunges, pushes, and pulls.

3) Choosing a Beginner's Weight for an Exercise

Q: How much weight should I use for each exercise?

This is one of my most popular reader mail questions. Unfortunately, I can't give everyone a precise answer because it depends on so many factors.

But for absolute beginners, here's what you need to do...and it's very simple.

Start with the lowest amount of weight possible. If you are doing dumbbell rows, start with the 5 lbs dumbbell. Use perfect form. If you can do all of the repetitions without any struggle, then increase the weight on the next set.

By simply using trial and error, you'll find the correct weight quite quickly.

Start conservative, and don't rush.


fat loss, workout, exercise, nutrition, ab exercise, lose weight

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