Saturday, October 28, 2006

Bodybuilding is Dead

Bodybuilding is dead. Or so they say.

But the truth is, bodybuilding isn't dead. It simply needs to be fixed. And it's true, the old-school bodybuilding programs certainly weren't perfect. They were often designed by and for guys using Vitamin S, and far too often led to some nasty overuse injuries of the elbow and the shoulders.

But there still are a lot of benefits that we can take from the basics of bodybuilding to help our workouts. Look at old-school bodybuilding - squatting, deadlifting, lifting heavy weights in the standing position with their abs braced - all of these worked the abs harder than people standing on a ball and lifting 10 pounds.

And fixing the high-volume, overuse bodybuilding programs is easy. Back in September I put together an 8-week TT for Muscle program that cut the number of workouts down to 4 per week, while getting guys stronger and bigger.

And I extended the availability by a month, but this treat's only available till Oct 31, then on November, it's gone. It will remain in the TT member's section after that.

Click HERE to get the TT for Muscle 8-Week Workout

Why not roll with the holiday season, and build some big time mass while the feasts are here?

The mass-building 4-day per week workout will take your muscle gains to the next level.

Eat healthy and put on muscle,

P.S. Next week...the new monthly workout is out...
And it's the 8-week workout-by-workout guide I used with a Hollywood actress to help her do her first chin-up.

It's called: TT for Female Strength - How to Get Lean & Do Your First Chin-up

You can get it November 1st...or if you were a member, you would have received it last night.

Plus as a TT Member, you'd also be able to download all of these monthly workout manuals. (To order each of these manuals separately would have cost you over $ as always, the TT Membership remains a huge deal).

Click HERE to become a TT Member.

September 2005 Monthly Workout: 4-Week Fat Loss Plan
October 2005 Monthly Workout: Bodyweight TT 4-Week Workout
November 2005 Monthly Workout: Mass-Building Workout
December 2005 Monthly Workout: Ultimate Holiday Fat Loss
January 2006 Monthly Workout: Busy Gym Fat Loss
February 2006 Monthly Workout: TT Fusion Fat Loss
March 2006 Monthly Workout: TT Athlete Bodyweight Manual
April 2006 Monthly Workout: TT Fusion Muscle Building
June 2006 Monthly Workout: TT Hardcore Fat Loss
July 2006 Monthly Workout: TT Bodyweight Summertime Workout
August 2006: Turbulence Training for Women 4-Week Program
Sept 2006: Turbulence Training For Muscle 8-Week Program

All of these are in the TT member's section...

1 comment:

  1. I agree that most bodybuilding programs could use a serious face lift. That said I still think that if you approach it the right way, you can achieve our bodybuilding / physique transformation goals and still live a fun life. It's just all about approaching it the right way.
