Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Workouts that Stop Fat Loss

The Opposite of Good Fat Loss Workouts

Here's a great article from our colleague in the fight for better female fitness and fat loss workouts, Rachel Cosgrove. Rachel is one of America's top trainers, and tells it like it is about fat loss workouts.

Here's a summary of her "tongue-in-cheek" article...for more info, visit Rachel's website: www.RachelCosgrove.com

Top 5 Ways to GAIN Body Fat
by Rachel Cosgrove

Are you looking to put on a little extra pudge to keep warm? Maybe your boyfriend or husband wants to see "more" of you? How can you put on that extra layer of fat you've always wanted to fill out your jeans?

Follow these five recommendations and you'll be on your way!

1. Do long, slow aerobic exercise every day.

The more aerobics you do, the more your metabolism can slow down, the more efficient your body will be at storing fat, especially if you're looking to gain some size on your thighs!

Why it works to store fat: Your body will actually use fat as fuel during this workout (you should be in the "fat burning zone") which will create the perfect effect we want for the other 23 hours of the day - fat storing mode. Yes, your body will adapt to become efficient at storing fat. This workout will do nothing to increase your metabolism either. You'll burn off muscle, decreasing your lean muscle mass, and actually slow down your metabolism.

2. Follow a low fat, low calorie diet... and don't drink any water.

The less you eat, the lower your metabolism will go, which is optimal for storing body fat.

3. Avoid weight training at all costs!

Increasing your lean body mass is the best way to increase your metabolism to burn fat. Weight training will raise your metabolism for the next 24 to 48 hours, which will never work to get that body fat up!

4. Eat only 1-2 meals a day!

Eating meals less frequently is a great way to keep your metabolism in the gutter all day long and will be ideal for storing fat.

5. Perform the exact same workout over and over without ever increasing the intensity.

Doing the same workout each time will confirm that you haven't become any stronger or more fit, but instead have stayed exactly the same or become worse. Recommendation: Go to the gym every day and do the exact same thing. Get on the same cardio machine, in front of the same television, and walk the same speed everyday.

Why this works to store fat: This will ensure that you don't gain any lean body mass and that your workout won't limit your fat storing capabilities. You don't ever want to push yourself harder than you're used to.

Follow these guidelines to an all new, plumper you! Wait just a darn minute... Hold on. You say you want to lose body fat? Oh, okay, then make sure you aren't making the mistake of following any of the above guidelines!

You'd actually want to do the exact opposite of each of the above rules to see a leaner physique in the mirror.

For a leaner, sexier you:

1) Do interval training instead of steady state aerobics to increase your metabolism and get your body revving to burn fat all day long.

So, instead of walking on a treadmill at the same pace for 30 minutes, you'd walk two minutes then run for a minute or two, then walk again. Alternate between high and low intensity. You can do the same on an exercise bike or whatever activity you choose. This works extremely well for fat loss!

2) Fuel your body with high quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and good fats.

Your calories should not drop below 1400 to 1500 per day and your fat intake should be 30% of your diet. This will keep your metabolism burning hot - perfect for fat loss.

3) Lift weights and don't be afraid to push yourself beyond what you're used to; that's how you get your body to change for the better.

Every ounce of muscle you put on will increase your metabolism and keep you in a constant fat burning state! And remember, weight training doesn't make women big; it makes them firm.

4) Eat 5-6 meals a day.

Every time you eat, your metabolism goes up, so eat something healthy every couple of hours to keep your body revved up to burn fat.

5) Change your workout every 4-6 weeks.

Your body will adapt and you'll need a change to create a new stimulus to continue building muscle and burning fat! May you reach all your goals and get the body of your dreams! Stay focused!

For more of Rachel's proven fat loss and fitness wisdom, visit www.RachelCosgrove.com

Rachel has also helped us out over at www.grrlAthlete.com


fat loss, fat loss workout, workout

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