Monday, September 11, 2006

Workout with the Right Exercises


Choosing the right exercises is the key to getting more results in less time from your workout. That's how you lose fat fast and build a better body without having to exercise 6 days a week.

If you are using machine-based, isolation exercises right now, such as the pec-dec, the leg extension, and biceps curl machine, then I recommend you drop this expensive equipment in favor of the basics.

The cheap, efficient, effective exercise basics that worked for Arnold and the generations of beach bodies before him will work superbly for you and I as well.

We don't need to re-invent the wheel. Or in this case, the workout.

Do your exercises standing if possible.

Choose multi-muscle, total body exercises.

Always focus on working your abs in every exercise, so that you don't have to do isolation ab exercises for 30 minutes each day.

Stick to squats, lunges, pushes, and pulls.



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