Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Wednesday Workout - Only if it helps


Today wasn't a scheduled workout, but I encourage activity everyday so I did some low intensity bodyweight and lifting stuff.

For you, make sure you get at least 30 minutes of activity on your days between TT workouts.

So I did:

1A) Bodyweight Squats (3 sets)
1B) Pushups (3 sets)
2A) Inverted Rows (4 sets)
2B) DB External Rotation (4 sets)
2C) Standing Cable Crunch

This worked on a couple of problem spots, mostly protective exercises for the shoulder girdle.

But I only did exercises if they helped.

I've talked about this in the past..."Only if it helps training".

Just do stuff ONLY if it helps get you closer to your goals.

It's very tempting to add exercise upon exercise to your workout routine because you feel like you should be in the gym for at least 60 minutes. But if the exercises are just there as filler, they are not really helping you reach your goal.

Instead, they are just taking up time.

You should look at your training as being purposeful.

Is it purposeful to do lunges if you want a nice butt? Absolutely.

But is it purposeful to hundreds of ab crunches if you want a good body? Not necessarily. You can get a great body without wasting time on abs.

Train hard, train safe, and train only if it helps your health and fitness goals,



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