Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Wednesday squat workout and tennis elbow

Squat workout routine

Today I found out I have tennis elbow...but just a very mild case. And obviously its not from tennis.

Instead, I think its from my dog. You see he gets a little excited aroubd other dogs and tends to pull a little too much trying to get near them. Lately he's given a couple of really good yanks and I think that is the source of the problem.

My friend Andrew, a chiropractor did a mini-ART session and said I'll be fine as long as I avoid the pulling and do a lttle stretching for the wrist extensors and flexors.

So b/c of this I skipped the scheuled deadlifts and went straight to the Olympic squats.

1A) Olympic Squats (3x12)
1B) pushup Plank (3xMax)

2A) pistols (3x3)
2B) back ext on ball (3x15)

That is all.

Please excuse any spelling mistakes - I am riting this post on my balckberry with my thumbs while walking down the street. But I can post directly to the blog with email so it saves me time.



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:49 AM

    The elbow pain might also come from your squats, google it.
    I´ve had pain on the inside of the elbow an d sometimes all around it due to incorrect handplacing i guess. Always after squats, just thought i´d give you a tip. ( i thought it was my dog first to)
