Saturday, September 16, 2006

Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat

Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat

I know the one thing that everyone hates about workout advice is that there are so many opinions on the best way to lose fat. Why can't all the experts just agree on the best approach?
Too much controversy, right?

Well, back when I started, I did an interview with fat loss expert Tom Venuto. And while he and I may not agree on everything, the great thing about Tom is that he can back-up his arguments with both science and experience.

Tom has helped thousands of people with his Burn the Fat e-book, and he is a master of helping people finally achieve their fat loss goals.

Here's one of the controversial topics we covered in the interview...

CB: You rank "fasted cardio in the morning" as a high risk (i.e. risk loss of muscle), high benefit activity for fat loss. Is this something that you use yourself or with clients?

Because it's high risk, it's not necessarily a fat loss technique I recommend for everyone all the time.

But I'm not afraid to use it and I believe it has benefits that can outweigh the risks, depending on the circumstances. I usually do fasted cardio in the morning about 8-12 weeks before a competition. But it depends on my weekly results. If I'm losing fat quickly and easily, I don't need to use any high-risk techniques.

Sometimes I'll still do cardio in the morning, because I like doing it then, but I'll have a whey protein drink or even a whole meal shortly beforehand.

I like to have an enormous amount of flexibility in my approach. If there's a plateau in fat loss, I want to be able to dig into my bag of tricks and have a lot of stuff in there to pull out when I need it. If you only have one way and you get stuck, you have a problem. I don't like rigid formulas. I like freedom to choose my approach according to how things are going.

Click here for the rest of Tom's interview.

Burn fat, build muscle,


Tom has a great new site coming out called the "Burn the Fat Inner Circle" membership. You can learn more about it from Tom's newsletters.

Visit for Tom's newsletter, report, and e-book.

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